On Jul 18 2017, a black hat hacker exploited a vulnerability in the multisig wallet deployed from the Parity Ethereum node application, and stole USD 32 million in ethers (ETH) from the funds raised in crowdsales by Aeternity, Edgeless ans Swarm city.
The White Hat Group (WHG) scanned the balances for over 500 multisig wallets using the same vulnerable code, then used the same exploit to move the ETH and tokens from the wallets into their wallet for safekeeping.
The main whitehat attack rescued ~ USD 80.459 million in ETH and ~ USD 84.433 million in tokens. Another smaller smaller whitehat attack rescued ~ USD 1.337 million in ETH and ~ USD 63,371 in tokens. The total amount rescued was approximately USD 166.29 million.
The reconciliation below calculates the ETH and tokens that will be returned to their rightful owners in safer multisig wallets that are handed back to the original wallet owners.
- Black Hat Hacker
- White Hat Group
- Reconciliation
- Smaller White Hat Group Rescue
- Attacking Accounts
- How Was The Parity Multisig Compromised?
- Further Information
A bug in the Parity multisig wallet was discovered by a (or a group of) black hat hacker(s).
The hacker executed a transaction calling the initWallet(address[] _owners, uint256 _required, uint256 _daylimit)
function to gain control of any of these vulnerable multisig accounts - first hack tx.
The hacker could then execute a transaction calling the execute(address _to, uint256 _value, bytes _data)
function to transfer out any funds or tokens in the multisig wallet - first hack tx.
The hacker used this exploit to transfer amounts from the following accounts to the hacker(s) account 0xb3764761e297d6f121e79c32a65829cd1ddb4d32:
- Edgeless - ETH 26,793 (USD 5,732,148.01) from 0x91efffb9c6cd3a66474688d0a48aa6ecfe515aa5 at Jul-18-2017 10:33:23 PM +UTC in block 4041179 in tx 0x0e0d1647
- Swarm City - ETH 44,055 (USD 9,425,214.81) from 0x50126e8fcb9be29f83c6bbd913cc85b40eaf86fc at Jul-19-2017 12:14:18 PM +UTC in block 4043791 in tx 0x97f76623
- æternity - ETH 82,189 (USD 17,583,679.04) from 0xbec591de75b8699a3ba52f073428822d0bfc0d7e at Jul-19-2017 12:19:36 PM +UTC in block 4043802 in tx 0xeef10fc5
- Total ETH 153,037 (USD 32,741,041.85)
ETH/USD rate of 213.942 at 20:45 Jul 20 2017 AEST.
Following is a balance of the hacker's account, with 7 lots of ETH 10,000 already transferred out, at 21:31 Jul 20 2017 AEST:
The White Hat Group (WHG) found 570 contracts with the same byte code and drained about USD 164 million in ETH and tokens using the same exploit as used by the hacker into 0x1dba1131000664b884a1ba238464159892252d3a.
The first WHG action was in block 4044813 at Jul-19-2017 05:27:10 PM +UTC and the last action was in block 4046151 Jul-20-2017 12:25:26 AM +UTC and here is the balance of the WHG account at 21:20 Jul 20 2017 AEST:
The nonce for the first tx in block 4044813 is 630 and the nonce for the last tx in block 4046151 is 4165. A total of 4615 - 630 + 1 = 3986 transactions were executed by the WHG to rescue the ethers and tokens at risk.
Total gas cost for the last 2,000 transactions is 14.58969814 ETH. Etherscan only exported the last 2,000 transactions for this calculation.
Further funds flowed into the WHG multisig totalling USD 200m made up of USD 77.5m in ETH and USD 132.4m in tokens:
I've use the scripts/getWHGTxs.sh to extract all transactions moving ETH and tokens from the vulnerable Parity multisig wallets into the WHG's wallet.
- There is a tx moving 1.9 ETH from the Dao.Casino multisig at 0x01dbb419d66be0d389fab88064493f1d698dc27a where the initiating account was 0x7ec74161ab8b8cb6d2c6ad317d9734a6056b8a52 - https://etherscan.io/tx/0xcd35dd43bba29abd528b25d55f72ac3e4ffd1bdd787ffe956e40347dd948e0d3 . It's not included in my results.
The WHG token transactions are in results/tokensRefunds-WHG.tsv.
My token transactions are in results/tokens.tsv.
A reconciliation of WHG's and my token transactions shows one small error in line 51 Monaco in the WHG's calculations - see results/tokensReconcilation.xls.
My latest token results for comparison with the WHG rescue data is in results/multisig_rescue_tokens_bokkypoobah.csv.
Also note that my .csv file numbers have small rounding issues as I used MS Excel to compute the cumulative amounts. See the .tsv file for the exact amounts in weis.
My ethers transactions are in results/ethers.tsv.
LefterisJP's ethers transactions are in results/ethers-LefterisJP.csv from https://github.com/LefterisJP/multisigwallet_whitehat_movements_verification/blob/master/multisig_data.csv.
A reconciliation of LefterisJP and my ethers transactions is available in results/ethersReconciliation.xls and the numbers match exactly.
My latest ethers results for comparison with the WHG rescue data is in results/multisig_rescue_ether_bokkypoobah.csv.
Note that my ethers data seems to have an incorrect entry when compared to Jordi's data and from manual checking.
The only difference between mine and Jordis ETH data is that I have an extra amount 0x32bacc8b241fb172fee18bda32527126c6f3c5f7 963930173170731000000
This transaction was picked up by my script because I looked at each transaction in the blocks containing the rescue transactions, and this
account is not an account that was rescued.
Jordi's file results/multisig_resque_eth_jordi.csv is correct.
Also note that my .csv file numbers have small rounding issues as I used MS Excel to compute the cumulative amounts. See the .tsv file for the exact amounts in weis.
There was a smaller WHG rescue using the accounts 0x1ff21eca1c3ba96ed53783ab9c92ffbf77862584 and 0xd1f27c48b948d49f3d098f499b8a1830d8a7e229.
Following is an image of the second 0xd1f27c48b948d49f3d098f499b8a1830d8a7e229 account holding the ethers and tokens totalling USD 1.4 million:
The scripts and data are in the smallerRescue folder and the data is included below as they are small in number of transactions:
The transactions to rescue the ethers follow, also in smallerRescue/smallerEthers.tsv:
Wallet Amount
0x01dbb419d66be0d389fab88064493f1d698dc27a 1500000000000000000
0x01dbb419d66be0d389fab88064493f1d698dc27a 400000000000000000
0xce9f93eb7f78fcb7e7d222c81f258535dc218d4b 3916872255691581126717
0xb3740cefcc201d5cf1fa59143976332563314d82 1600100000000000000000
0xb4e63046001074b223872137174eec63a7e12cf5 202122540786000000000
0x164c2b90f83b67d897ff00899695430841e38536 147569289484035663753
0xd74401db32ddd23127e7823887c5ca4d81631793 10021257240000000000
0xb32db51ba30c80a21a775635c1b6d6a01754fd06 12155000000000000000
0x7f379a0d99d224d487ae4751cbf261ae6037153e 22650000000000000000
0x327bb6e6fff2c05e542c63b0fcfdd270734738ef 2000000000000000000
0x3b135dbf827508d8ed170548f157bdcd2dc857d3 1500000000000000000
0x9f82984f02f42b31f24d37799c9d63604f9a6f15 1000000000000000000
0xc7a13c9ceba109499c2c00af977591b55a03e6af 100000000000000
0xd0f706bf4738732145344dc407d36b88859c3349 10000000000000000
0x01dbb419d66be0d389fab88064493f1d698dc27a 1197000000000000000
The transactions to rescue the tokens follow, also in smallerRescue/smallerTokens.tsv:
TokenAddress TokenSymbol Wallet Amount
0x960b236a07cf122663c4303350609a66a7b288c0 ANT 0x3cb96f3d6b66c55c2942ebe70826f7a15b044a8a 6999980000000000000000
0x744d70fdbe2ba4cf95131626614a1763df805b9e SNT 0x3cb96f3d6b66c55c2942ebe70826f7a15b044a8a 1090549855887740000000000
0xcfb98637bcae43c13323eaa1731ced2b716962fd NET 0xd93719574b0bc5f691f5da8cae9599cec1f202c7 1050000000000000000000
0xaaaf91d9b90df800df4f55c205fd6989c977e73a TKN 0x4e2d0c204554c7f9cb1e3b3ac1e83dd3b4fc9622 100000000
0xa645264c5603e96c3b0b078cdab68733794b0a71 MYST 0xd0f706bf4738732145344dc407d36b88859c3349 100000000
A list of accounts that used the initWallet(...)
attack, excluding the 3 WHG addresses follow:
- attackingAccounts/AttackingAccounts.tsv - sorted by blockNumber and transactionIndex
- attackingAccounts/AttackingAccountsSortedByAccount.tsv - sorted by Account
- attackingAccounts/data1.txt - raw data including the transaction information
This will also include the accounts that the original multisig wallet owners used to try to gain back access to their multisig contracts.
Some of the accounts from the list above did manage to gain some ETH and tokens through the attack:
- 0x002c3b196aabe0c4d6b56316e9cabd441a630242 SNT 20,000,000 ~ USD 1 million sent to Bittrex
- 0xdfb692d180cae04bb29b6cd9878ede2ec8e79f45 USD 231K of ETH and tokens (180k of MYST)
- 0x75d27075d8d9aa87e54f05a07a52c5a117436cc7 OMG 15,999.5 ~ USD 14.79k
- 0x35ec328b4a0bb5b370b5bbb112b0891d4688a77f USD 1.8K of ETH
- 0x00c8d8201c5686e355bf5957902938bfc7c61376 USD 1K of ETH
- 0x3241971ec3ae953d8ea2294c6a824c9a35aa9825 USD 1K of ETH
- 0x07040f3ecf94c9a41b5674bd4e6f22ee7077b2df USD 200 of ETH
- 0x13370ca2e8426a82bcfcce21c97817a243c521cf USD 115 of ETH
- 0x3090b4d6858c3b4110b3df47928641890bea127d USD 100 of tokens
- 0x32ef5500201277501f98a05ab3457ef6e5d20cdc USD 16 of ETH
- 0x3090b4d6858c3b4110b3df47928641890bea127d USD 0.50 of ETH
- 0x1e3f49b5814cfee970d826623da2b98acd87df89 small amounts
- 0x297d64eaa76b6bcb44ded3ef4d24ae103faf8110 small amounts
- 0xf610752dd164f8e9b5ab6edf48aeb84224c0e4a9 SAN 10
And a quote from a Luke Anderson during a lecture (via Sam Brooks):
Even though you might feel like it's a game and you might have earned the crypto by exploiting a flaw in the 'system,' you're still stealing someone else's money. Don't be a dickhead.
The first attack transaction 0xff261a49
was a call to the initWallet(...)
function with the new owner's address b3764761e297d6f121e79c32a65829cd1ddb4d32
passed and the amount to
be stolen (new BigNumber("5ac7391989a21040000",16).shift(-18)
= 26793
) as the _daylimit
After the change in ownership, the hacker sent a second transaction to steal the funds:
Following is the bit of code with the vulnerability (note the comment "constructor", but this is a regular function):
// constructor - just pass on the owner array to the multiowned and
// the limit to daylimit
function initWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required, uint _daylimit) {
initMultiowned(_owners, _required);
initDaylimit(_daylimit) ;
And initWallet(...)
called the following initMultiowned(...)
function to change the ownership of the multisig contract:
// constructor is given number of sigs required to do protected "onlymanyowners" transactions
// as well as the selection of addresses capable of confirming them.
function initMultiowned(address[] _owners, uint _required) {
m_numOwners = _owners.length + 1;
m_owners[1] = uint(msg.sender);
m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)] = 1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; ++i)
m_owners[2 + i] = uint(_owners[i]);
m_ownerIndex[uint(_owners[i])] = 2 + i;
m_required = _required;
This code above was originally the constructor for the Ethereum Wallet multisig wallet contract (below). In Ethereum, the smart contract constructor code is executed when a contract is deployed to the blockchain, BUT the constructor code is not included in the deployed Ethereum Virtual Machine code.
The mistake here was that the constructor was modified to be a regular function (that is included in the deployed code), and no further checks were placed to restrict the function to only being executable by the existing wallet owner.
(There a bit more complication as the delegatecall(...)
function was used to call the library code.)
Following is the code from the original Ethereum Wallet multisig
called contract multiowned
, where the constructor has the same name multiowned(...)
// constructor is given number of sigs required to do protected "onlymanyowners" transactions
// as well as the selection of addresses capable of confirming them.
function multiowned(address[] _owners, uint _required) {
m_numOwners = _owners.length + 1;
m_owners[1] = uint(msg.sender);
m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)] = 1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; ++i)
m_owners[2 + i] = uint(_owners[i]);
m_ownerIndex[uint(_owners[i])] = 2 + i;
m_required = _required;
The full source code for the buggy contract from https://github.com/paritytech/parity/blob/4d08e7b0aec46443bf26547b17d10cb302672835/js/src/contracts/snippets/enhanced-wallet.sol follows:
//sol Wallet
// Multi-sig, daily-limited account proxy/wallet.
// @authors:
// Gav Wood <g@ethdev.com>
// inheritable "property" contract that enables methods to be protected by requiring the acquiescence of either a
// single, or, crucially, each of a number of, designated owners.
// usage:
// use modifiers onlyowner (just own owned) or onlymanyowners(hash), whereby the same hash must be provided by
// some number (specified in constructor) of the set of owners (specified in the constructor, modifiable) before the
// interior is executed.
pragma solidity ^0.4.9;
contract WalletEvents {
// this contract only has six types of events: it can accept a confirmation, in which case
// we record owner and operation (hash) alongside it.
event Confirmation(address owner, bytes32 operation);
event Revoke(address owner, bytes32 operation);
// some others are in the case of an owner changing.
event OwnerChanged(address oldOwner, address newOwner);
event OwnerAdded(address newOwner);
event OwnerRemoved(address oldOwner);
// the last one is emitted if the required signatures change
event RequirementChanged(uint newRequirement);
// Funds has arrived into the wallet (record how much).
event Deposit(address _from, uint value);
// Single transaction going out of the wallet (record who signed for it, how much, and to whom it's going).
event SingleTransact(address owner, uint value, address to, bytes data, address created);
// Multi-sig transaction going out of the wallet (record who signed for it last, the operation hash, how much, and to whom it's going).
event MultiTransact(address owner, bytes32 operation, uint value, address to, bytes data, address created);
// Confirmation still needed for a transaction.
event ConfirmationNeeded(bytes32 operation, address initiator, uint value, address to, bytes data);
contract WalletAbi {
// Revokes a prior confirmation of the given operation
function revoke(bytes32 _operation) external;
// Replaces an owner `_from` with another `_to`.
function changeOwner(address _from, address _to) external;
function addOwner(address _owner) external;
function removeOwner(address _owner) external;
function changeRequirement(uint _newRequired) external;
function isOwner(address _addr) constant returns (bool);
function hasConfirmed(bytes32 _operation, address _owner) external constant returns (bool);
// (re)sets the daily limit. needs many of the owners to confirm. doesn't alter the amount already spent today.
function setDailyLimit(uint _newLimit) external;
function execute(address _to, uint _value, bytes _data) external returns (bytes32 o_hash);
function confirm(bytes32 _h) returns (bool o_success);
contract WalletLibrary is WalletEvents {
// struct for the status of a pending operation.
struct PendingState {
uint yetNeeded;
uint ownersDone;
uint index;
// Transaction structure to remember details of transaction lest it need be saved for a later call.
struct Transaction {
address to;
uint value;
bytes data;
// simple single-sig function modifier.
modifier onlyowner {
if (isOwner(msg.sender))
// multi-sig function modifier: the operation must have an intrinsic hash in order
// that later attempts can be realised as the same underlying operation and
// thus count as confirmations.
modifier onlymanyowners(bytes32 _operation) {
if (confirmAndCheck(_operation))
// gets called when no other function matches
function() payable {
// just being sent some cash?
if (msg.value > 0)
Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
// constructor is given number of sigs required to do protected "onlymanyowners" transactions
// as well as the selection of addresses capable of confirming them.
function initMultiowned(address[] _owners, uint _required) {
m_numOwners = _owners.length + 1;
m_owners[1] = uint(msg.sender);
m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)] = 1;
for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; ++i)
m_owners[2 + i] = uint(_owners[i]);
m_ownerIndex[uint(_owners[i])] = 2 + i;
m_required = _required;
// Revokes a prior confirmation of the given operation
function revoke(bytes32 _operation) external {
uint ownerIndex = m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)];
// make sure they're an owner
if (ownerIndex == 0) return;
uint ownerIndexBit = 2**ownerIndex;
var pending = m_pending[_operation];
if (pending.ownersDone & ownerIndexBit > 0) {
pending.ownersDone -= ownerIndexBit;
Revoke(msg.sender, _operation);
// Replaces an owner `_from` with another `_to`.
function changeOwner(address _from, address _to) onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
if (isOwner(_to)) return;
uint ownerIndex = m_ownerIndex[uint(_from)];
if (ownerIndex == 0) return;
m_owners[ownerIndex] = uint(_to);
m_ownerIndex[uint(_from)] = 0;
m_ownerIndex[uint(_to)] = ownerIndex;
OwnerChanged(_from, _to);
function addOwner(address _owner) onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
if (isOwner(_owner)) return;
if (m_numOwners >= c_maxOwners)
if (m_numOwners >= c_maxOwners)
m_owners[m_numOwners] = uint(_owner);
m_ownerIndex[uint(_owner)] = m_numOwners;
function removeOwner(address _owner) onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
uint ownerIndex = m_ownerIndex[uint(_owner)];
if (ownerIndex == 0) return;
if (m_required > m_numOwners - 1) return;
m_owners[ownerIndex] = 0;
m_ownerIndex[uint(_owner)] = 0;
reorganizeOwners(); //make sure m_numOwner is equal to the number of owners and always points to the optimal free slot
function changeRequirement(uint _newRequired) onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
if (_newRequired > m_numOwners) return;
m_required = _newRequired;
// Gets an owner by 0-indexed position (using numOwners as the count)
function getOwner(uint ownerIndex) external constant returns (address) {
return address(m_owners[ownerIndex + 1]);
function isOwner(address _addr) constant returns (bool) {
return m_ownerIndex[uint(_addr)] > 0;
function hasConfirmed(bytes32 _operation, address _owner) external constant returns (bool) {
var pending = m_pending[_operation];
uint ownerIndex = m_ownerIndex[uint(_owner)];
// make sure they're an owner
if (ownerIndex == 0) return false;
// determine the bit to set for this owner.
uint ownerIndexBit = 2**ownerIndex;
return !(pending.ownersDone & ownerIndexBit == 0);
// constructor - stores initial daily limit and records the present day's index.
function initDaylimit(uint _limit) {
m_dailyLimit = _limit;
m_lastDay = today();
// (re)sets the daily limit. needs many of the owners to confirm. doesn't alter the amount already spent today.
function setDailyLimit(uint _newLimit) onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
m_dailyLimit = _newLimit;
// resets the amount already spent today. needs many of the owners to confirm.
function resetSpentToday() onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
m_spentToday = 0;
// constructor - just pass on the owner array to the multiowned and
// the limit to daylimit
function initWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required, uint _daylimit) {
initMultiowned(_owners, _required);
// kills the contract sending everything to `_to`.
function kill(address _to) onlymanyowners(sha3(msg.data)) external {
// Outside-visible transact entry point. Executes transaction immediately if below daily spend limit.
// If not, goes into multisig process. We provide a hash on return to allow the sender to provide
// shortcuts for the other confirmations (allowing them to avoid replicating the _to, _value
// and _data arguments). They still get the option of using them if they want, anyways.
function execute(address _to, uint _value, bytes _data) external onlyowner returns (bytes32 o_hash) {
// first, take the opportunity to check that we're under the daily limit.
if ((_data.length == 0 && underLimit(_value)) || m_required == 1) {
// yes - just execute the call.
address created;
if (_to == 0) {
created = create(_value, _data);
} else {
if (!_to.call.value(_value)(_data))
SingleTransact(msg.sender, _value, _to, _data, created);
} else {
// determine our operation hash.
o_hash = sha3(msg.data, block.number);
// store if it's new
if (m_txs[o_hash].to == 0 && m_txs[o_hash].value == 0 && m_txs[o_hash].data.length == 0) {
m_txs[o_hash].to = _to;
m_txs[o_hash].value = _value;
m_txs[o_hash].data = _data;
if (!confirm(o_hash)) {
ConfirmationNeeded(o_hash, msg.sender, _value, _to, _data);
function create(uint _value, bytes _code) internal returns (address o_addr) {
assembly {
o_addr := create(_value, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code))
jumpi(invalidJumpLabel, iszero(extcodesize(o_addr)))
// confirm a transaction through just the hash. we use the previous transactions map, m_txs, in order
// to determine the body of the transaction from the hash provided.
function confirm(bytes32 _h) onlymanyowners(_h) returns (bool o_success) {
if (m_txs[_h].to != 0 || m_txs[_h].value != 0 || m_txs[_h].data.length != 0) {
address created;
if (m_txs[_h].to == 0) {
created = create(m_txs[_h].value, m_txs[_h].data);
} else {
if (!m_txs[_h].to.call.value(m_txs[_h].value)(m_txs[_h].data))
MultiTransact(msg.sender, _h, m_txs[_h].value, m_txs[_h].to, m_txs[_h].data, created);
delete m_txs[_h];
return true;
function confirmAndCheck(bytes32 _operation) internal returns (bool) {
// determine what index the present sender is:
uint ownerIndex = m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)];
// make sure they're an owner
if (ownerIndex == 0) return;
var pending = m_pending[_operation];
// if we're not yet working on this operation, switch over and reset the confirmation status.
if (pending.yetNeeded == 0) {
// reset count of confirmations needed.
pending.yetNeeded = m_required;
// reset which owners have confirmed (none) - set our bitmap to 0.
pending.ownersDone = 0;
pending.index = m_pendingIndex.length++;
m_pendingIndex[pending.index] = _operation;
// determine the bit to set for this owner.
uint ownerIndexBit = 2**ownerIndex;
// make sure we (the message sender) haven't confirmed this operation previously.
if (pending.ownersDone & ownerIndexBit == 0) {
Confirmation(msg.sender, _operation);
// ok - check if count is enough to go ahead.
if (pending.yetNeeded <= 1) {
// enough confirmations: reset and run interior.
delete m_pendingIndex[m_pending[_operation].index];
delete m_pending[_operation];
return true;
// not enough: record that this owner in particular confirmed.
pending.ownersDone |= ownerIndexBit;
function reorganizeOwners() private {
uint free = 1;
while (free < m_numOwners)
while (free < m_numOwners && m_owners[free] != 0) free++;
while (m_numOwners > 1 && m_owners[m_numOwners] == 0) m_numOwners--;
if (free < m_numOwners && m_owners[m_numOwners] != 0 && m_owners[free] == 0)
m_owners[free] = m_owners[m_numOwners];
m_ownerIndex[m_owners[free]] = free;
m_owners[m_numOwners] = 0;
// checks to see if there is at least `_value` left from the daily limit today. if there is, subtracts it and
// returns true. otherwise just returns false.
function underLimit(uint _value) internal onlyowner returns (bool) {
// reset the spend limit if we're on a different day to last time.
if (today() > m_lastDay) {
m_spentToday = 0;
m_lastDay = today();
// check to see if there's enough left - if so, subtract and return true.
// overflow protection // dailyLimit check
if (m_spentToday + _value >= m_spentToday && m_spentToday + _value <= m_dailyLimit) {
m_spentToday += _value;
return true;
return false;
// determines today's index.
function today() private constant returns (uint) { return now / 1 days; }
function clearPending() internal {
uint length = m_pendingIndex.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
delete m_txs[m_pendingIndex[i]];
if (m_pendingIndex[i] != 0)
delete m_pending[m_pendingIndex[i]];
delete m_pendingIndex;
address constant _walletLibrary = 0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe;
// the number of owners that must confirm the same operation before it is run.
uint public m_required;
// pointer used to find a free slot in m_owners
uint public m_numOwners;
uint public m_dailyLimit;
uint public m_spentToday;
uint public m_lastDay;
// list of owners
uint[256] m_owners;
uint constant c_maxOwners = 250;
// index on the list of owners to allow reverse lookup
mapping(uint => uint) m_ownerIndex;
// the ongoing operations.
mapping(bytes32 => PendingState) m_pending;
bytes32[] m_pendingIndex;
// pending transactions we have at present.
mapping (bytes32 => Transaction) m_txs;
contract Wallet is WalletEvents {
// calls the `initWallet` method of the Library in this context
function Wallet(address[] _owners, uint _required, uint _daylimit) {
// Signature of the Wallet Library's init function
bytes4 sig = bytes4(sha3("initWallet(address[],uint256,uint256)"));
address target = _walletLibrary;
// Compute the size of the call data : arrays has 2
// 32bytes for offset and length, plus 32bytes per element ;
// plus 2 32bytes for each uint
uint argarraysize = (2 + _owners.length);
uint argsize = (2 + argarraysize) * 32;
assembly {
// Add the signature first to memory
mstore(0x0, sig)
// Add the call data, which is at the end of the
// code
codecopy(0x4, sub(codesize, argsize), argsize)
// Delegate call to the library
delegatecall(sub(gas, 10000), target, 0x0, add(argsize, 0x4), 0x0, 0x0)
// gets called when no other function matches
function() payable {
// just being sent some cash?
if (msg.value > 0)
Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);
else if (msg.data.length > 0)
// Gets an owner by 0-indexed position (using numOwners as the count)
function getOwner(uint ownerIndex) constant returns (address) {
return address(m_owners[ownerIndex + 1]);
// As return statement unavailable in fallback, explicit the method here
function hasConfirmed(bytes32 _operation, address _owner) external constant returns (bool) {
return _walletLibrary.delegatecall(msg.data);
function isOwner(address _addr) constant returns (bool) {
return _walletLibrary.delegatecall(msg.data);
address constant _walletLibrary = 0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe;
// the number of owners that must confirm the same operation before it is run.
uint public m_required;
// pointer used to find a free slot in m_owners
uint public m_numOwners;
uint public m_dailyLimit;
uint public m_spentToday;
uint public m_lastDay;
// list of owners
uint[256] m_owners;
- A Modified Version of a Common Multisig Had A Vulnerability - The WHG Took Action & Will Return the Funds
- WHG Recovery Update - Multisig Replacement - Request for Review
- The Parity Wallet Hack Explained
- Balances & Parameters for the New Multisig Wallets - WHG Recovery Update - Request for Review
- Rescued Multisig Owners Can Use a Smart Contract to Request Where the WHG Should Send the Funds
- The WHG has Returned ~95% of the Funds and Now Hold Less Than $10 Million Worth of Rescued Funds
- The WHG has Returned 100% of the Rescued Funds to their Rightful Owners
- https://github.com/Giveth/WHGBalanceVerification
- An In-Depth Look at the Parity Multisig Bug
Responses by the teams affected by this hack:
- æternity - Parity Multisig Wallet Hack
- Edgeless response to Parity hack
- Follow Up Statement From The Swarm City Core Team
(c) BokkyPooBah / Bok Consulting Pty Ltd and others - July 22 2017. The MIT Licence.