This theme is not a direct replacement for hyde-hyde, some heavy renaming and structure change happened.
The last commit from hyde-hyde is 14b387e6663c91750f0d80cc4cb17659d5979758.
Draft section, it is not show in the menu, however it is available when pointing to
Dark theme, activated automatically depending on system settings
Thorough asciidoctor support
Almost all elements are styled accordingly, and responsively
Diagrams support, although it requires configuration on the site itself
Block switch, to have tabbed elements (code blocks, example blocks, etc)
stem/asciimath support
Font-Awesome 5 integration (asciidoctor outputs font-awesome compatible code, see asciidoctor/asciidoctor#539 FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#16477)
Some additional shortcodes
Social icons
Additional icons like Speakerdeck
Work around removal by ad-blockers of some icons like Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn in the sidebar
Responsive Table of Content, toggleable
Tweak reading-time
Tags are arranged by letters
Article series
Tweaked responsive styling (eg. phones in landscape mode)
Custom 404 page
Custom landing page
Github edit button on blog post
Giscus comment system
Some stuff removed
Old assets (
) -
Generated CSSs as the site is not demoed on Hugo theme site
Responsive (Mobile phone support)
Portfolio section
System font, instead of web fonts for privacy
Comment system (Disqus, Utterances, Commento, …), currently disabled and forced to Giscus
❏ Revamp portfolio section
❏ Tocbot is not supported (in
My blog shows a real usage of this theme.
can be easily installed as many other Hugo themes:
# then either clone ascii-press
$ git clone themes/ascii-press
# or just add ascii-press as a submodule
$ git submodule add themes/ascii-press
After that, choose ascii-press
as the main theme.
theme = "ascii-press"
theme : "ascii-press"
That’s all. You can render your site using hugo
and see ascii-press
in action.
Ascii-press essentially inherits most of Hyde-Hyde’s options and Hyde’s options.
highlightjs = true
: use highlight.js instead of Hugo built-in support for code highlighting -
postNavigation = true|false
): Setting tofalse
will disable the navigation Previous Post/ Next Post -
relatedPosts = false|true
): Setting totrue
allows related posts. Please refer here for more details on related contents with Hugo. -
GraphCommentId = "your-graphcomment-id"
: to use GraphComment instead of the built-in Disqus. This option should be used exclusively withdisqusShortname = "disqus-shortname"
. -
UtterancesRepo = "owner/repo-name"
: to use Utterances instead of the built-in Disqus. This option should be used exclusively withdisqusShortname = "disqus-shortname"
. -
UtterancesIssueTerm = "pathname"
Method for Utterances to match issue’s to posts (pathname, url, title, og:title) -
UtterancesTheme = "github-light"
Theme for Utterances (github-light, github-dark) -
Commento = true
: to use Commento instead of the built-in Disqus. This option should be used exclusively withdisqusShortname = "disqus-shortname"
. -
CommentoHost = "your-commento-instance"
Self-hosted Commento instance. This is not required if you’re a user. -
: in this section, you can set many social identities such as Twitter, Facebook, Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Instagram, LinkedIn, StackOverflow, Medium, Xing, Keybase.Gravatar pictures can be used as
via the
[] twitter = "bric3" keybase = "bric3" github = "bric3" ... gravatar = ""
githubEdit= ""
to set the link for the edit link.
Most of the customisable SCSS styles in assets/scss/ascii-press and Hugo templates in ascii-press/layouts are modularised and can be altered/adapted easily.
By default, hugo will show in your home page the most populated section.
This means that if you have more projects than posts, by default your home page will list your projects instead of your posts.
If you want to change this behaviour you can change the mainsections.
For example, for the exampleSite this is how you should change the config.toml
[params] mainSections = ["posts"]
Original developed by Mark Otto
ported by Steve Francia -
adapted by Huy Tran
Open sourced under the MIT license