To reproduce:
On host:
$ git clone --submodules
$ docker run \
--name fluent-bit-external-input-c-plugin \
-v ${PWD}:/ws \
--workdir=/ws \
-it \
In the container
$ apt update -qq
$ apt install -y cmake make g++ vim tree pkg-config libyaml-dev flex bison git libssl-dev
$ cd fluent-bit/build
$ cmake \
$ make -j
# Workaround to bypass the include that can't be found.
# This can be fixed later more permanently by adding it in the include/CMakeLists.txt in the fluent-bit repo.
$ cp -r /ws/fluent-bit/build/lib/monkey/include/monkey/mk_core/ /ws/fluent-bit/include/
Then let's compile our custom plugin
cd /ws/fluent-bit-plugin
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DFLB_SOURCE=/ws/fluent-bit -DPLUGIN_NAME=in_dummy2 ../
And finally, running it:
/ws/fluent-bit/build/bin/fluent-bit -e ./ -i dummy2 -o stdout
Leading to the same error 🚀
Fluent Bit v2.0.7
* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 The Fluent Bit Authors
* Fluent Bit is a CNCF sub-project under the umbrella of Fluentd
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [ info] [fluent bit] version=2.0.7, commit=fa7fd13c1f, pid=23255
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [ info] [storage] ver=1.3.0, type=memory, sync=normal, checksum=off, max_chunks_up=128
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [ info] [cmetrics] version=0.5.7
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [ info] [ctraces ] version=0.2.5
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [ info] [input:dummy2:dummy2.0] initializing
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [engine] caught signal (SIGSEGV)
[2022/12/08 13:39:07] [ info] [input:dummy2:dummy2.0] storage_strategy='memory' (memory only)
#0 0x5604725d22e0 in flb_config_map_set() at src/flb_config_map.c:591
#1 0x7fbeb82f21b8 in ???() at ???:0
#2 0x7fbeb82f2740 in ???() at ???:0
#3 0x7fbeb82f2b1e in ???() at ???:0
#4 0x5604725b00f3 in flb_input_instance_init() at src/flb_input.c:1162
#5 0x5604725b029c in flb_input_init_all() at src/flb_input.c:1216
#6 0x5604725e6b13 in flb_engine_start() at src/flb_engine.c:717
#7 0x560472589224 in flb_lib_worker() at src/flb_lib.c:629
#8 0x7fbeb8390b42 in ???() at ???:0
#9 0x7fbeb8421bb3 in ???() at ???:0
#10 0xffffffffffffffff in ???() at ???:0
Aborted (core dumped)