├── archetypes # used by hugo, no need to care
├── assets # used by hugo, no need to care
├── config # global configuration files, used by maintainer
├── content # all content stores here, authors only add file here
│ └── en # english content
│ └── blog # blog posts
│ └── wamr_blog_system # article name
│ ├── image.png # image used by the article
│ └── # article content
├── i18n # internationalization
│ ├── de.yaml
│ ├── en.yaml
│ └── nl.yaml
├── images # default images folder
│ └── tn.png
├── layouts # layout templates, used by maintainer
│ ├── ......
│ ├── 404.html
│ └── index.html
├── package.json
├── static
│ ├── ......
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── images
│ └── videos
└── theme.toml # theme configuration, used by maintainer
All the blogs should put under content/en/blog/
using hugo for local preview
install hugo firstly, see the installation guide in site-development section
# create new blog hugo new content/en/blog/<article_name>/ code content/en/blog/<article_name>/ # write the blog ... # local preview npm install npm run dev # Open browser and navigate to preview url ... # submit
without hugo
code content/en/blog/<article_name>/ # write the blog ... # submit
Hugo use markdown front matter to get the article information, please ensure your has the following content at the front:
title: "Your blog title"
description: "your blog description, may be used by search engine"
excerpt: "Same to description, but will displayed on the blog's introduction card"
date: 2022-10-12T21:27:24+08:00
lastmod: 2022-10-12T21:27:24+08:00
draft: false
weight: 50
images: ["image.jpg"]
categories: ["some_category"]
tags: []
contributors: ["your name"]
pinned: false
homepage: false
mermaid: true
are used to display the cover of this blog- if
not provided, will use a default image withWebAssembly
- if
must befalse
, otherwise this blog will not be displayed in the final page -
should betrue
if you want to draw mermaid diagram in your blog
Event is almost the same with a blog, it's separated just for management convenience.
The article folder under content/en/events/
will be treated as an event.
An event require these two additional fields in the markdown header:
, the event dateevent_location
, the event location
There is no format rule, the raw string will be displayed on the final page.
Just add the resource link to content/en/resources/
For site maintainer, please follow this guide to setup development environment.
Please refer to
's doc for your OSFor ubuntu you can use snap:
snap install hugo --channel=extended
If snap install failed, we can also try the released deb package
wget sudo dpkg -i hugo_extended_0.104.3_linux-amd64.deb
install dependencies
npm install
launch dev server
npm run dev # This will launch a server and serve the blog as localhost:1313
generate static site
hugo --minify
This site is deployed by Github Pages, simply submit the commit and open a PR, the page will automatically updated once PR is merge.