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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

bug 🐞
bug :lady_beetle:
Something isn't working
CI/CD :nut_and_bolt:
Automated tests, releases
declined 🚫
declined :no_entry_sign:
Not a fit for this project
deferred ⏰
deferred :alarm_clock:
We'll come back to this later
dependencies ⛓️
dependencies :chains:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update a dependency file
discussion 💬
discussion :speech_balloon:
The right solution needs to be found
do not merge ⛔
do not merge :no_entry:
Not ready yet!
documentation 📚
documentation :books:
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate 🖇️
duplicate :paperclips:
This issue or pull request already exists
feature ⚙️
feature :gear:
New feature or request
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Pull requests that update Go code
good first issue 🐤
good first issue :baby_chick:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
Extra attention is needed
in progress 🏃‍♂️
in progress :running_man:
Being actively worked on
invalid ❓
invalid :question:
This doesn't seem right
needs docs ✍️
needs docs :writing_hand:
Requires documentation changes
needs info 📭
needs info :mailbox_with_no_mail:
Requires more information
needs tests 💯
needs tests :100:
Requires automated tests
optimization 📉
optimization :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Performance or cost improvements
os/windows 🗑️
os/windows :wastebasket:
plugin 🔌
plugin :electric_plug:
A feature outside this repo
question ❔
question :grey_question:
Help is being requested
sponsor needed 🤍
sponsor needed :white_heart:
Can prioritize with a sufficient sponsorship
under review 🧐
under review :monocle_face:
Review is pending before merging
upstream ⬆️
upstream :arrow_up:
Relates to some dependency of this project
v1 ⚰️
v1 :coffin:
Specifically applies to v1 (EOL)
wiki candidate 📄
wiki candidate :page_facing_up:
Likely a good/better fit for our wiki