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Releases: camunda-community-hub/zeebe-client-node-js

Support for Camunda Cloud 1.0

11 May 12:43
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This is the first release with support for Zeebe / Camunda Cloud 1.0.

We leap-frogged 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 with the versioning due to previous, deprecated releases of the Node client using these version numbers under an old scheme.

Allow C based library

16 Jun 04:33
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Revert to C-based library by default
Pure JavaScript implementation available by setting ZEEBE_NODE_PUREJS=true
Infinite retries by default

Dist fix for deployments

18 May 02:27
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Dist fix for deployments

Bug Fix for release

14 May 07:13
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Bug Fix for release

Release of 0.23.0

07 May 21:15
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Known Issues

Things that don't work or don't work as expected, and which will be addressed in a future release

The onConnectionError event of the ZBClient and ZBWorker/ZBBatchWorker is not debounced, and may be called multiple times in succession when the channel jitters, or the broker is not available. See #161.

Breaking Changes

Changes in APIs or behaviour that may affect existing applications that use zeebe-node.

The job.variables and job.customHeaders in the worker job handler are now typed as read-only structures. This will only be a breaking change if your code relies on mutating these data structures. See the section "Working with Workflow Variables and Custom Headers" in the README for an explanation on doing deep key updates on the job variables.
The ZBClient no longer eagerly connects to the broker by default. Previously, it did this by issuing a topology command in the constructor. This allows you an onReady event to be emitted. You can re-enable the eager connection behavior, by either passing eagerConnection: true to the client constructor options, or setting the environment variable ZEEBE_NODE_EAGER_CONNECTION to true. See #151.
The library nows logs with the simplified ZBSimpleLogger by default, for friendly human-readable logs. This will only be a breaking change if you currently rely on the structured log output. To get the previous structured log behaviour, pass in stdout: ZBJsonLogger to the ZBClient constructor options, or set the environment variable ZEEBE_NODE_LOG_TYPE to JSON. Refer to the "Logging" section in the README.

New Features

New shiny stuff.

The underlying gRPC implementation has been switched to the pure JS @grpc/grpc-js. This means no more dependency on node-gyp or binary rebuilds for Docker containers / Electron; and a slim-down in the installed package size from 50MB to 27MB.
Timeouts can now be expressed with units using the typed-duration package, which is included in and re-exported by the library. See the README section "A note on representing timeout durations".
There is a new ZBBatchWorker. This allows you to batch jobs that are unrelated in a BPMN model, but are related with respect to some (for example: rate-limited) external system. See the README for details. Thanks to Jimmy Beaudoin (@jbeaudoin11) for the suggestion, and helping with the design. Ref: #134.
ZBClient.createWorker has two new, additional, method signature. The first is a single object parameter signature. This is the preferred signature if you are passing in configuration options. The second signature is a version of the original that elides the id for the worker. With this, you can create a worker with just a task type and a job handler. A UUID is assigned as the worker id. This is the equivalent of passing in null as the first parameter to the original signature. The previous method signature still works, allowing you to specify an id if you want. See this article for details.
There is now a ZBLogMessage interface to help you implement a custom logger #127. For an example of a custom logger, see the Zeebe GitHub Action implementation 

There is new custom logger implementation ZBSimpleLogger that produces flat string output. If you are not interested in structured logs for analysis, this log is easier for humans to read.
ZBClient now contains an activateJobs method. This effectively exposes the entire Zeebe GRPC API, and allows you to write applications in the completely unmanaged style of the Java and Go libraries, if you have some radically different idea about application patterns.
The Grpc layer has been refactored to implement the idea of "connection characteristics". When connecting to Camunda Cloud, which uses TLS and OAuth, the library would emit errors every time. The refactor allows these connection errors to be correctly interpreted as expected behaviour of the "connection characteristics". You can also set an explicit initial connection tolerance in milliseconds for any broker connection with the environment variable ZEEBE_INITIAL_CONNECTION_TOLERANCE. See this article, issue #133, and the README section "Initial Connection Tolerance" for more details.
The connection tolerance for transient drop-outs before reporting a connection error is now configurable via the environment variable ZEEBE_CONNECTION_TOLERANCE, as well as the previous constructor argument connectionTolerance.
The integration tests have been refactored to allow them to run against Camunda Cloud. This required dealing with a Zeebe broker in an unknown state, so all tests now template unique process ids, unique task types, and unique message names to avoid previous test run state in the cluster interfering with subsequent test runs.
I've started documenting the internal operation of the client in BPMN diagrams. These can be found in the design directory.
The README now contains a section "Writing Strongly-typed Job Workers", on writing typed workers in TypeScript.
The README also has a shiny TOC. It has grown in size such that one is needed.


An unmaintained package in the dependency tree of kafka-node (and arguably a bug in NPM's de-duping algorithm) caused zeebe-node to break by installing the wrong version of the long dependency, unless the two packages were installed in a specific order. We've explicitly added long to the dependencies of zeebe-node to address this, and reported it to kafka-node. Thanks to @need4eat for discovering this and helping to track down the cause. See #124.
Prior to 0.23.0 of the zeebe-node client, a worker would not reconnect if the broker was restarted, throwing gRPC channel errors until they were restarted. A stalled retry timer has been added to the worker. The worker will now automatically reconnect when the broker is available, if it goes away and comes back. See #145, and #152.
Prior to 0.23.0, a worker would periodically lose its connection to Camunda Cloud. This has been addressed with the stalled retry timer. See #99.


08 Apr 04:35
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v0.23.0-alpha.5 Pre-release
Merge pull request #156 from jwulf/0.23.0-alpha.5

Fixes #151

v0.23.0-alpha.4: Merge pull request #153 from jwulf/0.23.0-alpha.4

06 Apr 02:50
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Latest alpha release


17 Mar 11:03
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v0.23.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

Alpha release for pure js

v0.23.0 alpha.2

10 Mar 04:17
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v0.23.0 alpha.2 Pre-release

Alpha 2 release of the upcoming 0.23 client


06 Mar 11:33
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v0.23.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Awesome release from @jwulf