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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 12, 2019. It is now read-only.

Releases: card-io/


16 Sep 21:28
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  • Fix issue with CocoaPods Objective-C projects not building correctly


16 Sep 20:07
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5.3.2: Fix memory issues with CMSampleBufferRef

11 Apr 19:47
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  • Fix memory management issues with CMSampleBufferRef causing crash
    ( #194 )

5.3.1: Prevent issue with exception being thrown in cvGetSize()

26 Jan 15:09
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  • Prevent an issue with crashes when an invalid IplImage is used for
    scanning causing an exception to be thrown later in cvGetSize().
    ( card-io/ )

5.3.0: Options for manual cardholder name text input and restrict postal codes to numeric only

21 Dec 17:09
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5.2.2 Fix card-scanning screen hang, add Carthage support

03 Nov 18:06
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  • You will need to link the Accelerate framework to your application.

  • Fix issue where an app would hang on card-scanning screen ( #153 )

    If an app was displaying the card-scanning screen and was sent to the background, when the app was brought back to the foreground, the app would possibly hang on certain hardware, mainly iPhone 5S.

  • Add Carthage support ( card-io/ card-io/ )

    Initial support for Carthage. In a Cartfile, you can add github "card-io/" to get Carthage to build a dynamic framework for inclusion in your projects.

  • Fix warning while running in simulator for 5.2.1 ( #154 )

    Add the x86_64 and i386 slices to the OpenCV libraries to prevent warnings. This was also necesary for clean builds for Carthage.

5.2.1: Split Bitcode Libraries

19 Oct 19:04
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  • Split CardIO and OpenCV libraries (#147 and card-io/
    The library is built with Xcode 7.0 with Bitcode enabled for all 3
    libraries. The libraries are now split into 3 static libraries:
    libCardIO.a, libopencv_core.a, and libopencv_imgproc.a.
    This split was done to reduce the individual file size to make it
    more managable for GitHub repositories which limit individual files to
    100 MB.

    Note that when an application is "Bitcode compiled" and distributed
    by the App Store, the app size should not be signficantly increased
    compared to before Bitcode enablement.

    You must use Xcode 7 since previous versions of Xcode are not fully
    compatible with Bitcode enabled libraries.

5.2.0: Enable Bitcode

30 Sep 23:27
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  • Enable Bitcode (#119)

    The library is now built with Xcode 7.0. It has Bitcode enabled which
    does significantly increase the static library. However, when an app
    is compiled and distributed by the App Store, the app size should not
    significantly increase compared to before Bitcode enablement. You must also
    use Xcode 7 since previous versions of Xcode are not fully compatible
    with Bitcode enabled libraries.

5.1.1: update CocoaPods podspec to use `vendored_libraries`

26 Aug 19:42
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  • Update CocoaPods podspec to use vendored_libraries.

5.1.0: Xcode 6.4, iOS 9, scannedImageDuration, orientation fix

12 Jul 23:58
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  • Update project and sample apps for Xcode 6.4.
  • Expose scannedImageDuration in CardIOPaymentViewController.
  • Better respect UISupportedInterfaceOrientation from the app plist.
  • Fix iOS 9 crash by removing some obsolete localization code.