A ROS2 package that simulates a camera, providing ROS messages from playing a static video or image.
- OpenCV
- ROS2 Humble Hawksbill
Run the command below.
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/cardboardcode/virtual_camera.git --branch humble_devel --single-branch --depth 1
cd ~/virtual_camera
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
colcon build
Run the commands below to run virtual_camera
ROS 2 node:
cd ~/virtual_camera
source install/local_setup.bash
# For running without image-viewer
# For running with image-viewer
# Jump into a folder called data
cd data
# Move your intended video/image into this folder
# Create a symbolic link to video.
ln -sf <video_file_name> input_data
# Or create a symbolic link to image.
ln -sf <image_file_name> input_data
# You can choose not to do it manually by running the following script:
# Input the number of the input image shown in the script -
Run the following command to control the speed of the video
ros2 param set /virtual_camera FPS <an integer>
# Eg. ros2 pararm set /virtual_camera FPS 24
This section is for users who do not want to worry about installing all dependencies stated above.
Build the docker image.
docker build --tag vcam_image:humble .
Run the docker image.
# Enable display to be forwarded from container to host.
xhost +local:docker
# Run virtual_camera in docker container, vcam_test_container
docker run -it --rm \
--net host \
--name vcam_test_container \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-u user \
vcam_image:humble bash -c \
"ros2 launch virtual_camera showimageraw.launch.py \