Pyrite helps to fill out your block palette when building with various vanilla blocks! Looking to build with coloured blocks? Try out new Stained Planks, Dyed Lamps or Dyed Bricks in all the dye colours and more! Looking to flex your wealth? Try out Cut, Chiseled and Pillar variants of all the various resource blocks! Best of all, these variants (depending on the block) can include a full set of their own variants - stairs, slabs, walls, and more - everything you need to decorate as you want.
1,170 blocks and counting...
- Stained Planks, in every colour of dye (and more!)
- This includes stained wood slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, pressure plates, doors, crafting tables, ladders, signs, and buttons as well!
- Dyed Bricks, in every colour of dye (and more!)
- This includes dyed brick slabs, stairs, and walls!
- Resource Block Variants, letting you more easily decorate with riches!
- Iron, Gold, Emerald, Diamond, Netherite, Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis, and Copper Blocks now have consistent block variations, including: Cut Blocks/Stairs/Slabs, Bricks, Chiseled, Pillar, Smooth, Bars, Doors, Trapdoors, Pressure Plates, and Buttons.
- Wall Gates, because your walls deserve matching gates just like your fences have!
- This includes wall gates for every vanilla wall type, as well as wall gates for the Aether when present.
- Terracotta Bricks, which come in all dye colours.
- This includes dyed brick slabs, stairs, and walls!
- Dyed Torches, perfect for just a little bit of colour.
- Torch Levers, to hide redstone in plain sight.
- New Glass blocks! Framed Glass acts as an ornate glass variant, and Switchable Glass will become opaque when provided with redstone power.
- Framed Glass also has a pane variant, and Stained Framed Glass and Glass Pane variants.
- New Stone Brick Variants, including Cobblestone, Smooth Stone, Granite, Andesite, Diorite, and Calcite.
- This also includes Mossy variants for the blocks above and for Deepslate and Tuff Bricks, as well as stairs, slabs, walls, and wall gates.
- New Nether Brick Variants, including Charred Nether Bricks and Blue Nether Bricks.
- Turf blocks, for detailing your lawns.
- This includes grass, podzol, mycelium, and dirt path turf blocks, as well as slabs, stairs, and carpets!
- Slab and Stairs for Concrete blocks.
- Crafting Tables for all vanilla wood types.
- Skyroot Crafting Tables are also enabled when the Aether is present.
- Nostalgic Features
- Roses, of a variety of new colours.
- Classic cobblestone, grass, gravel, and more.
- Glowing Obsidian from Pocket Edition.
- Locked Chests from Beta 1.4.
Pyrite is required on both the client and server. Pyrite currently supports 1.21, with occasional backports after major content updates. EMI is recommended to view crafting recipes.
- On Fabric and Quilt, Fabric API or QSL is required.
- On versions below 0.15.0, Architectury API is required.
Pyrite is available on GitHub under the open source MIT license. If you are interested in helping to make Pyrite better, through improved textures, translations, or bugfixes, please see the Pyrite Wiki.
Pyrite is inspired by mods like Quark, Stoneworks, and Charm that expand on Minecraft's block palette.
Translation credits available on the Pyrite Wiki.
Many textures are adapted from and inspired by vanilla Minecraft and removed features of such. These textures belong to Mojang.