In this repo, you will find out how to build Word2Vec models with Twitter data. For an end to end tutorial on how to build models on IBM's Watson Studio, please chech this repo.
I.) Installing Anaconda installs Python, numpy, among other Python packages. If interested go here
II.) Download and Install Apache Spark go here:
This steps were useful for me to install Spark 1.5.1 on a Mac
III.) Added a notebook here with Twitter Data usign Spark RDDs.ipynb and the good news are that Spark comes with Jupyter + Pyspark integrated. This notebook can be invoked from the shell by typing the command: IPYTHON_OPTS="notebook" ./bin/pyspark if you are sitting on YOUR-SPARK-HOME.
I.) Go to your spark home directory
II.) Open a pyspark shell by typing the command
or Pyspark with Jupyter by typing the command
IPYTHON_OPTS="notebook" ./bin/pyspark
III.) print your spark context by typing sc in the pyspark shell, you should get something like this:
![image of pyspark shell] (
git clone
Download (without uncompressing) some tweets from here. The tweets.gz
file contains a 10% sample (using Twitter decahose API) of a 15 minute batch of the public tweets from December 23rd. The size of this compressed file is 116MB (compression ratio is about 10 to 1).
Note: there is no need to uncompress the file, just download the tweets.gz file and save it on the repo /YOUR-PATH-TO-REPO/w2v/data/.
(suggested) use dataframes and Spark ML (March 2016). see ml-scripts/
use rdd's and Spark MLlib (October 2015). see mllib-scripts/