This project handles storage for s3 buckets like: avatars, posters, subtitles and etc... on minio s3 bucket
- Minio S3 Bucket Server Getting Start
$ git clone
Make a copy of example.config.hcl
for your own configuration. save it as config.hcl
$ cp example.config.hcl config.hcl
Put your running s3 bucket server details
endpoint = "localhost:9000"
access_key = "access_key"
use_https = false
insecure_skip_verify = true
secret_key = "super-secure-secret-key"
sentry_dsn = ""
You're ready to Go!
You can simply run the project with following command
$ go run server.go
or if you're considering building the project use
$ go build -o server .
$ docker build . --tag=casty.cdn
$ docker run -dp --restart=always 5555:5555 casty.cdn