Releases: cayxc/Mdmdt
Releases · cayxc/Mdmdt
Mdmdt v0.2.5
- 导出提示等UI样式优化
Update content:
- Optimizing UI styles such as export prompts
Mdmdt v0.2.4
Mdmdt v0.2.3
- 修复tabe样式bug
- 优化Mermaid相关样式
Update content:
- Fix tabe style bug
- Optimize Mermaid related styles
Mdmdt v0.2.2
Mdmdt v0.2.1
Mdmdt v0.2.0
- 根据 @llds66 的建议(#3),为文件列表添加树状线样式
- 根据 @qwinsi 的建议(#21),优化字体方案
- 为链接添加图标样式
- 调整行和段落的间距
- 修改dark模式下加粗字体颜色
- 其他部分样式微调
Update content:
- According to @llds66's suggestion (#3), add a tree line style to the file list
- According to @qwinsi's suggestion (#21), optimize the font scheme
- Add icon styles to links
- Adjust the spacing between lines and paragraphs
- Modify bold font color in dark mode
- Fine tuning of other styles
Recommend all users to update to this version

Mdmdt v0.1.27
- 优化搜索相关样式(修复由 @energyc99 提交的问题 #12)
Update content:
- Optimize search related styles(Fix issue #12 submitted by @energyc99)
Mdmdt v0.1.26
- 调整打印时的背景颜色
Update content:
- Adjust the background color during printing
Mdmdt v0.1.25
- 修复代码块输入空格和Tab键时的bug
- 代码块内容过长时自动换行
- 设置一个tab键宽度为4个空格宽度,(由于字体原因,windows下一个tab键宽度为6个空格宽度)
- 图片改为行内块
Update content:
- Fix bug when entering spaces and Tab keys in code blocks
- Automatically wrap code block content when it is too long
- Set a tab width of 4 spaces (due to font limitations, the next tab width in Windows is 6 spaces)
- Change the image to an intra row block
Mdmdt v0.1.23
- 调整搜索匹配项的颜色
- 添加将鼠标悬停在标题上的效果
Update content:
- Adjust the color of search matches
- Add the effect of hovering the mouse over the title