EUDAQ is a Generic Multi-platform Data Acquisition Framework. Version 2 comes with more flexible cross connectivity between components, multiple data collectors, and a cleaner seperation between core functionalities and user modules.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Please check out the online documentation at
- or
- the manual, see below
- ( for the use with the EUDET-type beam telescopes)
The user's manual is provided as LaTeX source files in the repository; to generate the pdf on Linux/OSX, make sure that you have installed ImageMagick, then follow these steps:
cd build
make pdf
The manual can then be found in ./doc/manual/EUDAQUserManual.pdf
To generate the doxygen documentation, make sure that you have installed doxygen and run
make doxygen
in the build
directory after CMake. The resulting HTML files are stored in ../doc/doxygen/html
EUDAQ requires a C++11 compliant compiler and a Qt version 5 or higher to build GUIs. We recommend a gcc version 4.9 or later. ROOT 6 is required for the Online Monitor GUI.
- Dummy: Skeletons to add user modules - not to be changed. Required by, that creates your module for you
- example: run the example without hardware, see below Execution
- eudet: EUDET-type beam telescopes and EUDET and AIDA TLU, required: Cactus/Ipbus Software for AIDA TLU and ZestSC1+Tlufirmware+Libusb for EUDET TLU
- aidastrip: SiStrip telescope for DESY TB24 (AIDA2020 WP15 development)
- calice: test beam user
- itkstrip: test beam user
- stcontrol: USBPix/FEI4
- tbscDESY: Slow Control System at DESY test beam
- timepix3: Timepix3 read out, required: Spidr
- tlu: folder for Trigger Logic Units: EUDET and AIDA TLU
- torch: test beam user
- MuPix8: No readme given, as only converter
- PI Stages: Producer to control the rotation and translation stages from PI
- experimental: developed, not tested (with hardware)
will configure the installation and prepare the makefiles.
It searches for all the required files.
As a standard, it is executed in the build
Since the relevant CMakeLists.txt is in the main level, thus, the command is cmake ..
If cmake is successful, EUDAQ can be installed.
Variables set are cached in CMakeCache.txt and will again be taken into account at the next cmake run.
cmake has several options (cmake -D OPTION=ON/OFF ..
) to activate or deactivate programs which will be built, here printed with their default value:
If cmake is not successful and complains about something is missing, it is recommended to clean the build
folder by rm -rf *
before a new try.
If problems occur during installation, please have a look in the issues, if a similiar problem already occured. If not, feel free to create a new ticket:
Prerequisites for Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS:
sudo apt install openssh-server git cmake build-essential qt5-default xterm zlib1g-dev
Get and compile the code
git clone -b master
mkdir -p eudaq/build
cd eudaq/build
cmake ..
make install
The recommended windows compiler is MSVC (Microsoft Visual C++) like Visual Studio 14 2015 and later: Download Visual Studio Express Desktop (e.g. 2015 Version) here.
Start the Visual Studio "Developer Command Prompt" from the Start Menu entries for Visual Studio (Tools subfolder) which opens a cmd.exe session with the necessary environment variables already set.
If your Qt installation path has not been added to the global %PATH% variable, you need to execute the "qtenv2.bat" batch file in the Qt folder, e.g. and replace "5.1.1" with the version string of your Qt installation:
Go to the EUDAQ folder and configure, as describe above:
cd c:\[...]\eudaq\build
cmake ..
(Note: Please make sure the right compiler is found. You can select the right generator by cmake -G ...
or by using the cmake-gui.)
This generates the VS project files. Installing into eudaq\bin by:
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
- Compiler: Clang (at least version 3.1)
- Install Qt5 or later, e.g. by using MacPorts ( sudo port install qt5-mac-devel
cd ../user/example/misc
The startrun script assembles the new command line syntax: Core executables are started by loading a specific module with the name option -n
assigning a unique tag by the option -t
cd bin
./euRun &
sleep 1
./euLog &
sleep 1
./euCliMonitor -n Ex0Monitor -t my_mon &
./euCliCollector -n Ex0TgDataCollector -t my_dc &
./euCliProducer -n Ex0Producer -t my_pd0 &
./euCliProducer -n Ex0Producer -t my_pd1 &
Play around with Init, Configure, Start, Stop, Re-Start or Re-Configure and Start or Reset and Re-Init and repeat -- or Terminate.
For Initialising and Configuring you have to Load to set the path to the the ini or conf file:
- ../eudaq/user/example/misc/Ex0.ini
- ../eudaq/user/example/misc/Ex0.conf
A description for operating the EUDET-type beam telescopes is under construction: