This Helm chart installs fadi in a Kubernetes cluster. You can optionally enable/disable components of fadi.
- Kubernetes cluster 1.10+
- Helm 3.0.0+
- PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure.
See the fadi repository for documentation and userguide.
helm repo add cetic
helm repo update
Install the fadi helm chart with a release name my-release
helm install my-release cetic/fadi
git clone fadi
cd fadi
helm repo add stable
helm repo add incubator
helm repo add cetic
helm repo add jupyterhub
helm repo update
helm dep up
helm install fadi .
To uninstall/delete the my-release
helm uninstall my-release
Deletion of the StatefulSet doesn't cascade to deleting associated PVCs. To delete them:
kubectl delete pvc -l release=my-release
Each requirement is configured with the options provided by that Chart. Please consult the relevant charts for their configuration options.
Parameter | Description | Default |
FADI tools | ||
spark.enabled |
Enable Spark | true |
superset.enabled |
Enable Superset | true |
postgresql.enabled |
Enable PostgreSQL | true |
minio.enabled |
Enable Minio | true |
grafana.enabled |
Enable Grafana | true |
jupyterhub.enabled |
Enable JupyterHub | true |
nifi.enabled |
Enable Nifi | true |
openldap.enabled |
Enable Openldap | true |
phpldapadmin.enabled |
Enable PhpLDAPadmin | true |
kafka.enabled |
Enable Kafka | false |
cassandra.enabled |
Enable Cassandra | false |
filebeat.enabled |
Enable Filebeat | false |
logstash.enabled |
Enable Logstash | false |
elasticsearch.enabled |
Enable Elasticsearch | false |
kibana.enabled |
Enable Kibana | false |
nginx-ldapauth-proxy.enabled |
Enable nginx-ldapauth-proxy | false |
tsaas.enabled |
Enable Tsimulus-saas | false |
swaggerui.enabled |
Enable Swaggerui | false |
Node-red.enabled |
false |
adminer.enabled |
Enable Adminer | true |
mlflow.enabled |
Enable MLFlow | false |
seldon-core-operator.enabled |
Enable Seldon-core | false |
zabbix.enabled |
Enable Zabbix | false |
drupal.enabled |
Enable drupal | false |
airflow.enabled |
Enable airflow | false |
mongodb.enabled |
Enable mongodb | false |
rabbitmq.enabled |
Enable rabbitmq | false |
thingsboard.enabled |
Enable thingsboard | false |
influxdb.enabled |
Enable influxdb | false |
traefik.enabled |
Enable traefik | true |
cert-manager.enabled |
Enable cert-manager | false |
Feel free to contribute by making a pull request.
Please read the official Contribution Guide from Helm for more information on how you can contribute to this Chart.