The project is a faithful attempt to explain & implement shortest (beer) path in maximal outerplanar graph in the work of J.Bacic, S.Mehrabi and M.Smid [].
The implementation is mainly on the second half of the paper, i.e computing shortest (beer) path queries and single-source shortest (beer) path on maximal outerplanar beer graph G of size O(n). For queries vertices u, v where |SPB(u, v)| = L; the paper achieves the preprocessing and query time of <P(n), Q(n)> = <O(n), O(L)>
Window Subsystem for Linux 2 - Ubuntu 20.04
CPU Intel Core i7-8565U @ 8x 1.992GHz
RAM 5.5GiB
Cache 156MiB
gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04)
- The requirement is mainly regarding memory to ensure that you can comfortably run the code on any (reasonable) size of the graph.
- ulimit -s 64000000 (gives enough space for stack due to recursion)
- free -h (check if there's at least 2 GiB in memory)
file insrc
directory (compile & execute from parent directory)
g++ -std=c++17 utils/utils.cpp utils/graph/*.cpp utils/preprocess/*.cpp utils/outerplanar.cpp utils/verification/*.cpp test/*.cpp src/*.cpp -o main.out || ./main.out
file invisual
directory (compile & execute fromvisual
g++ -std=c++17 -shared -fPIC $(python3 -m pybind11 --include) ../utils/*.cpp ../utils/graph/*.cpp ../utils/preprocess/*.cpp ../src/dag.cpp ../src/sssp.cpp bind.cpp -o graph_cpp$(python3-config --extension-suffix)