Go Client Library for Amazon Product Advertising API
First of all you need to download the library in your $GOPATH using the following command:
go get -u github.com/charly3pins/amazon-product-advertising
Then, you can create a simple example.go and call the NewClient(config) constructor passing the ClientConfig with your credentials and call the ItemSearch(criteria) method with your creteria, selecting the SearchIndex and the Keywords, to search by text:
package main
import (
amazon "github.com/charly3pins/amazon-product-advertising"
func main() {
criteria := amazon.Criteria{
SearchIndex: "Books",
Keywords: "Clean Code",
config := amazon.ClientConfig{
AssociateTag: "collectus-21",
AWSEndpoint: amazon.GetEndpoint("{YOUR_AWS_PRODUCT_REGION}"),
client := amazon.NewClient(config)
res, err := client.ItemSearch(criteria)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%d results found\n\n", res.Items.TotalResults)
for i, item := range res.Items.Item {
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\nTitle: %v\nAuthor: %v\nBinding: %v\nLargeImage: %v\nURL: %v\n\n", i, item.ItemAttributes.Title, item.ItemAttributes.Author, item.ItemAttributes.Binding, item.ImageSets.ImageSet[0].LargeImage, item.DetailPageURL)
Finally, you can execute the example created:
go run example.go