This API is capable of fetching notices from NITP Website
π Script written in Python using Beautiful Soup and Flask
π§ Categories
This API supports category wise. Here is a complete list of all categories.
- all
- events
- important
- announcements
- blink
- archive
Make a request specifying the category of notices you want{category_name}
Example -
Note:- As the official website is too slow, response may delay and the API is hosted on free service.
The response JSON Object looks something like this -
"category": "announcements",
"data": [
"link": "",
"title": " Walk-in-interview for Project Assistant"
"link": "",
"title": " Assessment of students i.r.o July-December,2020"
"success": true,
Use the git to clone script of Nitp_webite-scraping
git clone
Install all dependencies listed in requirements.txt file
To install all dependencies run -
$ sudo -H pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Start the server
$ python3
πIn case of WINDOWS, use pip and python
Telegram Channel of NITP Web
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.