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This is a http traffic parser intended to record unprotected account, password and cookies running on router devices.


  • High performance
    • It is designed to be run on routers so it is written in C/C++
  • It has been tested to be worked on rt1900ac and rt2600ac
  • ASUS routers (ex: RT-AC68U which I have tested) with DD-WRT also work well!
    • Most original Asus router firmwares are shipped with Linux kernel which is too old and I don't want to support it. If you are interested, you can use ASUS's toolchain to build this project (modifications are needed cause g++ 4.5.3 does not support C++14).


Just run the sheepwall and wait for the sheep to come in :).



Quick installation

# Download sheepwall binary and put it into you router
SynologyRouter> curl -L > sheepwall
$ sheepwall -i <interface> [-w <log file>] [-D]
  -h [ --help ]          Print help messages
  -i [ --interface ] arg Interface sniffered by sheepwall
  -w [ --write_to ] arg  Log file
  -D [ --daemon ]        Daemonizing... run in the background


This project uses libpcap, boost and googletest. After installing all above libraries, just simply execute make to build this project.

Build for ARM-based devices

Cross-compile libpcap

We need the arm version of libpcap to build our sheepwall. Here I used the arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc from Ubuntu's g++-arm-linux-gnueabi package.

Download it!

$ mkdir ~/arm-libpcap
# download the libpcap source code
$ curl -L > libpcap.tar.gz
# extract it
$ tar -hxf libpcap.tar.gz

compile it!!

$ mkdir ~/arm-libpcap
$ CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc \
./configure --host=arm-linux --prefix=/home/fatminmin/arm-libpcap --with-pcap=linux
$ make -j4
$ make install

Finally, the compiled libpcap will be put under /home/fatminmin/arm-libpcap

Cross-compile boost

$ curl -L > boost.tar.gz
$ tar -hxf boost.tar.gz && cd boost_1_66_0
# we only use program_options library here
$ ./ --with-libraries=program_options

Modify using gcc ; to using gcc : arm : arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ ; in project-config.jam

# compile it
$ mkdir ~/arm-boost
$ ./bjam install toolset=gcc-arm runtime-link=static --prefix=/home/fatminmin/arm-boost

Compile sheepwall

In the Makefile, I re-defined the Target-specific Variable to compile sheepwall for ARM deviced.

arm: CXX := arm-linux-gnueabi-g++
arm: CXXFLAGS += -I/home/fatminmin/arm-boost/include -I/home/fatminmin/arm-libpcap/include
arm: LDFLAGS += -L/home/fatminmin/arm-boost/lib -L/home/fatminmin/arm-libpcap/lib -static
arm: build/sheepwall

Run it

Send it to your arm devices(Synology rt1900ac for example) and run it.

$ scp build/sheepwall
# in the router console
SynologyRouter> ./sheepwall -i eth0 -w cred.log -D


Usage of sheepwall for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.


Chieh-Min Wang a.k.a FatMinMin