Fighting path reading fatigue one path at a time! The revolution starts now!
It makes it easier to read a long path. It'll save you approximately 6ms* each time you try to read a path with your eyes, and comprehend it with your brain.
It does this by applying two types of transformations:
- search and replace (these are set in
- aka~/.config/sodiumSierraStrawberry
) - intelligent(?) directory truncation (this can be adjusted with the
From: /home/sodium/Projects/Personal/Sierra
To: »Projects/Sierra
From: /home/sodium/Projects/Personal/Sierra/Super/Long/Path/HolyAvacado
To: »Projects/Sie…/Sup…/Lon…/Pat…/HolyAvacado/
You need to use the »
char to 'prevent' that path segment from being truncated. It's hardcoded!
sodiumSierraStrawberry /your/path/goes/here/example --limit 20
The above should output:
Add such a file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sodiumSierraStrawberry/config.json
, "~"
, "»Projects"
Copy the static binary (if you trust me!):
mv sodiumSierraStrawberry ~/.local/bin/
You'll need to know how to compile Haskell projects:
stack install
*Terms and conditions apply