circuit.js is included in this repo just until the umd-capable version is officially published to npm and unpkg
As the repo indicates, the circuit-sdk is now available as UMD module, meaning it can be used as CommonJS or AMD module, and also still as browser global Circuit
In addition the JS SDK and Node.js SDK now come in a single, common module, thecircuit.js
This repo contains example apps using the Circuit JS SDK:
- a CommonJS node app
- an AMD browser app
- a browser app with regular global script include of the SDK
npm i -g http-server
npm i -g concurrently
git clone
cd umd
npm run commonjs // to run CommonJS node app
npm run amd // to run AMD browser app
npm run global // to run Browser global app
's in the examples are for the circuitsandbox and require the browser apps to run on http://localhost:7000 as defined inpackage.json