Network-analyzer is a Rust language crate that allows the interception of incoming and outgoing traffic through the network interfaces of a computer and aggregates it by network address/port.
For each network address/port pair some additional information will be displayed: the transported protocol, the cumulative number of bytes transmitted and the timestamp of the first and last occurrence of the exchange.
Linux dependencies 
In order to correctly run Network-analyzer on Linux systems, install the libraries and header files for the libpcap library:
- On Debian based Linux:
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
- On Fedora Linux:
sudo apt-get install libpcap-devel
Note that if you are not running as root, you need to set capabilities to inspect a network adapter:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip <your/Network-analyzer/executable/path>
MacOS dependencies 
MacOS natively has all the dependencies you need to build and run Network-analyzer.
A simple example of the potential of Network-analyzer is given by the Struct Analyzer
fn main() {
let name_input = String::from("file.txt");
let time: u64 = 5;
let a = Analyzer::new("eth0", &name_input.as_str(), time);
We pass three parameters to the Analyzer:
- The device on which we want to listen for packet traffic
- The name of the file on which we will print the analysis result
- The time interval in seconds after which the analysis result will be printed out
Whenever the specified time interval passes, the aggregated data by network address/port will be printed in the specified file (if it does not exist it is created).
The Analyzer uses other Structs offered by Crate to function
The Parser is a Struct used to listen to pcap packets in transit from a device and transforms them into ParsedPackets, i.e. packets that have useful fields for analysis, such as:
- entry IP address
- outgoing IP address
- input port
- outgoing port
- protocol
The Aggregator is a Struct that takes the packets sent by its channel's Sender and aggregates them into a Struct (HashMap), which has the network address/port as key.
Socket Listener is a Struct used to create and link an Aggregator and a Parser, thus allowing aggregated data to be obtained. By using this Struct, the user does not have to deal with the implementation of the Parser and Aggregator.
Report Writer is a Struct that is responsible for taking aggregated data (e.g. from Aggregator) and printing them to files.
The various Structs are used to run the Analyzer, which involves the use of a Socket Listener (and thus a Parser and Aggregator) and a ReportWriter. But these Structs can be used freely by the user to manage different situations.
- Parallel reading from multiple devices (multiple Parsers one Aggregator)
fn main() {
// I am creating a channel where the parser will send the parsed packets
let (tx, rx) = channel();
// I create a new parser listening to device "eth0" and sending
// the parsed packets to the channel i just created
let parser1 = Parser::new("eth0", tx.clone());
let parser2 = Parser::new("eth1", tx.clone());
// Now I can use rx to receive the parsed packets from all the parsers
while let Ok(parsed_packet) = rx.recv() {
println!("Received packet: {:?}", parsed_packet);
- Parallel reading from multiple devices and writing multiple report files ( multiple Analyzers )
fn main() {
let timer:u64=5;
let filename_one = String::from("file1.txt");
let filename_two = String::from("file2.txt");
let a_one=Analyzer::new("eth0", &filename_one.as_str(), timer);
let a_two=Analyzer::new("eth1", &filename_two.as_str(), timer);
- Writing multiple report files ( multiple ReportWriters one SocketListener )
fn main() {
let sl=SocketListener::new("eth0");
let filename_one = String::from("file1.txt");
let filename_two = String::from("file2.txt");
let timer_one:u64=5;
let timer_two:u64=7;
let report_writer_one = ReportWriter::new(filename_one, timer_one, sl.get_aggregated_data());
let report_writer_two = ReportWriter::new(filename_two, timer_two, sl.get_aggregated_data());