Generic Sorter:
Greatly increases programming efficiency regarding object sorting.
Individual classes can specify what value they should be sorted by.
Objects of differing classes can be sorted in the same list so long as they all implement the SortableObject interface.
Utilizes the Strategy programming pattern to allow new methods of array sorting to be implemented without modifying the GenericSortManager’s code.
Sorting strategy of the GenericSortManager’s sort method can be changed at runtime.
How it works:
Instead of writing sort methods for every individual class, any class that needs to be sorted can implement the SortableObject interface. A list of SortableObjects can then be passed into the GenericSortManager’s “sort” method, which will organize the list based on the SortStrategy object currently stored by the GenericSortManager.
New sort strategies can be created by having a class implement the SortStrategy interface. The GenericSortManager contains a setter function that allows the SortStrategy it is currently using to be changed at runtime.
Project Navigation and How to Use:
InteliJ IDE is recommended for using this project.
All the core project files listed below can be found in the GenericSorter\src\ directory:
ExampleDataObject demonstrates how the SortableObject interface should be implemented; any number value can be returned by the getSortValue method.
ExampleMain: an example program to demonstrate using GenericSortManager to sort a list of SortableObjects, changing the SortStrategy of GenericSortManager at runtime, and then sorting the list again with the new SortStrategy.
GenericSortManager: an intermediate class that stores the current SortingStrategy and the sort method where the list of SortableObjects should be passed; modifying this class is not recommended.
GreatestToLeastBubbleSorter and LeastToGreatestBubbleSorter: example SortStrategies that demonstrate how the SortStrategy interface should be implemented; new sorting strategies can be created by creating a new class that implements SortStrategy and changing the content of the "sort" method (EX: you could implement quick sort or heap sort this way).
SortableObject: interface used to denote by what property an object should be sorted by; modifying this interface is not recommended.
SortStrategy: used to denote classes that contain a method of sorting SortableObjects; modifying this interface is not recommended.