This is the main git repo of the CNCF community chapter Graz, Austria. Find us..
- here (obviously)
- CNCF Slack: #graz channel
- CNCF community chapter page
- Meetup
We are a group of K8s, DevOps and cloud native enthusiasts.
This group is dedicated to meetings and get-togethers that may foster the exchange within the community.
Although most of us are working professionals, this group is not meant to have a company branding whatsoever.
We are a group for tech savy professionals, interested in exchanging knowledge and experience.
All events of the CNCF community chapter Graz follow the CNCF Code of Conduct.
Our primary goal is to be inclusive to the largest number of contributors, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible.
We aim to meet at least once every 4-6 weeks to exchange thoughts, share experiences and provide talks and presentations.
Our meetings are held in a hybrid form if possible.
We meet in person and present our talks offline + online to make our content available to everybody.
2024-09-09 5:00 PM CEST @ Trever
- Cloud Native Pub-Quiz
- Roland Urbano [NTS]:
Grafana Alloy vs. OTel Collector
2024-03-28 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Cloud Native Pub-Quiz
- Patrick Pichler [CAST AI]:
Going Minimal
2024-02-22 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Start to 2024
2023-12-13 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Christmas Party
2023-11-16 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Recap 2023
- Cloud Native Newsflash
- Cloud Native Pub-Quiz
- Laszlo Fogas []:
Introduction to
2023-10-03 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Cloud Native Pub-Quiz
- Michael Klug [FullStackS] & Martin Brugger [Beyond Now]:
Don't get Tilted (or do)
2023-04-05 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Thomas Schütz [WhizUs]:
Solving Kubernetes Mysteries with K8sGPT: Your AI-Powered Troubleshooting Companion - Cloud Native Pub-Quiz
- Thomas Schütz [WhizUs]:
2023-04-05 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- 1st Cloud Native Pub-Quiz
2022-11-23 5:00 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS]:
Introduction to the CNCF community chapter Graz - Andreas Grabner & Thomas Schütz [Dynatrace]:
Keptn 1.0, SLOs and Beyond: Sailing into the Future - Klaus Kämpf [SUSE]:
Using Kubernetes to manage your operating system
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS]:
2022-10-03 4:30 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS]:
Introduction to the CNCF community chapter Graz - Chris Lentricchia [Isovalent]:
Operation Dvoretskyi - Karoly Vegh [Red Hat Austria]:
3 Layers of Compliance Automation with RHEL and Openscap
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS]:
2022-08-29 4:30 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS]:
Introduction to the CNCF community chapter Graz - Konrad Renner [ARZ]:
Back to the future - How a 2004 book helps us design cloud native software - Michael Klug [IBM]:
Kuberentes native workflow engines
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS]:
2022-08-03 4:30 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS] & Holger Fischer [K-Businesscom]:
Introduction to the CNCF community chapter Graz - Daniel Mellado Area [RedHat] + German M. Yebenes [SUSE]:
An introduction to CNI - Bastian Hofmann [SUSE]:
Protect against unknown security vulnerabilities
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS] & Holger Fischer [K-Businesscom]:
2022-06-27 4:30 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS] & Holger Fischer [K-Businesscom]:
Introduction to the CNCF community chapter Graz - Matthias Eisterer [REDFROG]:
IT Recruiting - the art of hide and seek
- Daniel Drack [FullStackS] & Holger Fischer [K-Businesscom]:
2022-02-23 4:30 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [AVL] & Jürgen Etzlstorfer [Microsoft]:
CNCF - Die Organisation hinter Kubernetes - Patrick Koch [AVL]:
Cloud Migration einer containerisierten Legacy Software Applikation
- Daniel Drack [AVL] & Jürgen Etzlstorfer [Microsoft]:
2021-11-24- 4 PM CEST @ SPACELEND
- Daniel Drack [AVL]:
CI/CD mit Azure DevOps & K8s - Michael Klug [Beyond by BearingPoint]
GitOps mir ArgoCD
- Daniel Drack [AVL]:
2021-10-01 4:30 PM @ SPACELEND
- Ulfried Götschl [Kapsch BusinessCom]:
IOT goes OpenShift
- Ulfried Götschl [Kapsch BusinessCom]: