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Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge On AMD GPU

Stable Diffusion WebUI Forge is a platform on top of Stable Diffusion WebUI (based on Gradio ) to make development easier, optimize resource management, speed up inference, and study experimental features.

The code has forked from lllyasviel , you can find more detail from there .

The code tweaked based on stable-diffusion-webui-directml which nativly support zluda on amd .

If you want learn what changes between them . I only touch files,, and add, All those changes code came from lshqqytiger(Seunghoon Lee) , Credits should goes to lshqqytiger and lllyasviel.


lshqqytiger has started a new fork of Forge, available at This fork provides better support and is recommended to use.

Initially, the purpose of creating a fork was to make Forge compatible with AMD before lshqqytiger's new fork. and the code from Lee .Now that Lee's fork is available, it is highly recommended to use his version for both HIP SDK 5.7 and 6.1.2.

1, Installing ZLUDA for AMD GPUs in Windows.

Compatible GPUs

A list of compatible GPUs can be found here. If your GPU is not on the list, then you may be need to build your own rocblas library to use ZLUDA or used builded library by others (eg, this . ( Note: how to build robclas ? follow this guide)

Also a list of builded rocblas available here ( actually most of them)

Note: If you have an integrated GPU (iGPU), you may need to disable it, or use the HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. OR if you IGPU exactly The apu amd 780M , download this file For example , Place rocblas.dll into C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\5.7\bin( this fold will appear after install HIP SKD in next step,chat the path if you are using different ROCM version ,eg 6.1.2,C:\Program Files\AMD\ROCm\6.1\bin) replace the origianl one ,replace library within rocblas\library , the orignally library can be rename to something else , like , "origlibrary" in case for other uses.

Install HIP SDK

Download HIP SDK 5.7/6.1.2

Add folders to PATH

Add the HIP PATH 5.7/bin or 6.1/bin folder* and %HIP_PATH%bin to your [PATH.]

Skip zluda steps ( merge lee’s new zluda files ,it fully automatic now) Download from here Add the ZLUDA folder* and %HIP_PATH%bin to your PATH. (note, you don't need to rename zluda files cublas.dll to cublas64_11.dll ,cusparse to cusparse64_11.dll and replace the one in vevn folder like other tutorial because the zluda had already detecd in patch in script)

2, Install ;

git clone

then start by run :

webui.bat --use-zluda

or simply click webui-user.bat

or you may try add extra

--cuda-stream --pin-shared-memory  

to test the speed .

update; In the root directory

git pull

if your edited any of the file, try below.

git stash  
git pull origin master  
git stash pop 

Then apply the change in your code editor( eg VS code) ,where git stash poplisted.

Close command prompt and run webui-user.bat again.


by run :

git checkout sd35

click webui-user.bat to start program,if you want to Switch back to origin, by run :

git checkout main

Tested work on limited sd3.5 large fp 8 models with Euler, SGM_Uniform . eg.SD3.5_fp8_SS_ALL.marduk191, The speed is almost same as flux. If had vram or ram overload in recent update. run

git checkout 2a855b3d9554fa0a2ca7bd59820890063bd9bde9

It will switch to previous proper commit ,make sure to swithc back to main before update.

expertimental teacatch with a 2x speed in flux .

(only one draws back , can only works either 512x768 or 1024x1024, if you want change size ,need relaunch the system ,ie, click webui-user.bat )

by run :

git checkout f002f43d709f82bc320464cd4773d6e690439c19

Default at 0.8 for 2.25x speedup,if you want to change the speed by mannuly change the code in backend/nn/ line442 ,rel_l1_thresh=0.8 , 0.6 # 0.25 for 1.5x speedup, 0.4 for 1.8x speedup, 0.6 for 2.0x speedup, 0.8 for 2.25x speedup

def forward(self, x, timestep, context, y, guidance=None, enable_teacache=True, rel_l1_thresh=0.8, steps=25, **kwargs):

Note:For some old cards ,eg rx580 (gfx803),need to downgrad to pytorch to 2.2.1 . by run

python -m venv venv
pip install torch==2.2.1 torchvision --index-url

then click the webui-user.bat to start .


Flux Use on Zluda ,tested work on Flux-dev-fp8.safetensors, and t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn.safetensors combination , Flux1-dev-Q4_K_S.ggufflux1-dev-Q6_K.gguf works and others like Q2,Q3,Q5 also should works except maybe slower than no-quantized files ,.safetensors. A list of quantized models in GGUF file available at FLUX.1-dev-gguf . A list of quantized T5 v1.1 XXL encoder model in GGUF file available at t5-v1_1-xxl-encoder-gguf. Flux loras use need set Automatic (fp16 LoRA) in Diffusion in Low Bits. Test works for many loras now ,however there are some lora still failed to work.)

if there is not enough vram , you may increase your virtual memory or use quantized models like Q4 or less .

if you need build roclabs ,please get support by this guide .

Forge is currently based on SD-WebUI 1.10.1 at this commit. (Because original SD-WebUI is almost static now, Forge will sync with original WebUI every 90 days, or when important fixes.)

News are moved to this link: Click here to see the News section

Quick List

Gradio 4 UI Must Read (TLDR: You need to use RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON to move canvas!)

Flux Tutorial (BitsandBytes Models, NF4, "GPU Weight", "Offload Location", "Offload Method", etc)

Flux Tutorial 2 (Seperated Full Models, GGUF, Technically Correct Comparison between GGUF and NF4, etc)

Forge Extension List and Extension Replacement List (Temporary)

How to make LoRAs more precise on low-bit models; How to Skip" Patching LoRAs"; How to only load LoRA one time rather than each generation; How to report LoRAs that do not work

Report Flux Performance Problems (TLDR: DO NOT set "GPU Weight" too high! Lower "GPU Weight" solves 99% problems!)

How to solve "Connection errored out" / "Press anykey to continue ..." / etc

(Save Flux BitsandBytes UNet/Checkpoint)

LayerDiffuse Transparent Image Editing

Tell us what is missing in ControlNet Integrated

(Policy) Soft Advertisement Removal Policy

(Flux BNB NF4 / GGUF Q8_0/Q5_0/Q5_1/Q4_0/Q4_1 are all natively supported with GPU weight slider and Quene/Async Swap toggle and swap location toggle. All Flux BNB NF4 / GGUF Q8_0/Q5_0/Q4_0 have LoRA support.)

Installing Forge

Just use this one-click installation package (with git and python included).

>>> Click Here to Download One-Click Package (CUDA 12.1 + Pytorch 2.3.1) <<<

Some other CUDA/Torch Versions:

Forge with CUDA 12.1 + Pytorch 2.3.1 <- Recommended

Forge with CUDA 12.4 + Pytorch 2.4 <- Fastest, but MSVC may be broken, xformers may not work

Forge with CUDA 12.1 + Pytorch 2.1 <- the previously used old environments

After you download, you uncompress, use update.bat to update, and use run.bat to run.

Note that running update.bat is important, otherwise you may be using a previous version with potential bugs unfixed.


Advanced Install

If you are proficient in Git and you want to install Forge as another branch of SD-WebUI, please see here. In this way, you can reuse all SD checkpoints and all extensions you installed previously in your OG SD-WebUI, but you should know what you are doing.

If you know what you are doing, you can also install Forge using same method as SD-WebUI. (Install Git, Python, Git Clone the forge repo and then run webui-user.bat).

Previous Versions

You can download previous versions here.

Forge Status

Based on manual test one-by-one:

Component Status Last Test
Basic Diffusion Normal 2024 Aug 26
GPU Memory Management System Normal 2024 Aug 26
LoRAs Normal 2024 Aug 26
All Preprocessors Normal 2024 Aug 26
All ControlNets Normal 2024 Aug 26
All IP-Adapters Normal 2024 Aug 26
All Instant-IDs Normal 2024 July 27
All Reference-only Methods Normal 2024 July 27
All Integrated Extensions Normal 2024 July 27
Popular Extensions (Adetailer, etc) Normal 2024 July 27
Gradio 4 UIs Normal 2024 July 27
Gradio 4 Forge Canvas Normal 2024 Aug 26
LoRA/Checkpoint Selection UI for Gradio 4 Normal 2024 July 27
Photopea/OpenposeEditor/etc for ControlNet Normal 2024 July 27
Wacom 128 level touch pressure support for Canvas Normal 2024 July 15
Microsoft Surface touch pressure support for Canvas Broken, pending fix 2024 July 29
ControlNets (Union) Not implemented yet, pending implementation 2024 Aug 26
ControlNets (Flux) Not implemented yet, pending implementation 2024 Aug 26
API endpoints (txt2img, img2img, etc) Normal, but pending improved Flux support 2024 Aug 29
OFT LoRAs Broken, pending fix 2024 Sep 9

Feel free to open issue if anything is broken and I will take a look every several days. If I do not update this "Forge Status" then it means I cannot reproduce any problem. In that case, fresh re-install should help most.


Below are self-supported single file of all codes to implement FreeU V2.

See also extension-builtin/sd_forge_freeu/scripts/

import torch
import gradio as gr

from modules import scripts

def Fourier_filter(x, threshold, scale):
    # FFT
    x_freq = torch.fft.fftn(x.float(), dim=(-2, -1))
    x_freq = torch.fft.fftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1))

    B, C, H, W = x_freq.shape
    mask = torch.ones((B, C, H, W), device=x.device)

    crow, ccol = H // 2, W // 2
    mask[..., crow - threshold:crow + threshold, ccol - threshold:ccol + threshold] = scale
    x_freq = x_freq * mask

    # IFFT
    x_freq = torch.fft.ifftshift(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1))
    x_filtered = torch.fft.ifftn(x_freq, dim=(-2, -1)).real


def patch_freeu_v2(unet_patcher, b1, b2, s1, s2):
    model_channels = unet_patcher.model.diffusion_model.config["model_channels"]
    scale_dict = {model_channels * 4: (b1, s1), model_channels * 2: (b2, s2)}
    on_cpu_devices = {}

    def output_block_patch(h, hsp, transformer_options):
        scale = scale_dict.get(h.shape[1], None)
        if scale is not None:
            hidden_mean = h.mean(1).unsqueeze(1)
            B = hidden_mean.shape[0]
            hidden_max, _ = torch.max(hidden_mean.view(B, -1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            hidden_min, _ = torch.min(hidden_mean.view(B, -1), dim=-1, keepdim=True)
            hidden_mean = (hidden_mean - hidden_min.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)) / (hidden_max - hidden_min).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3)

            h[:, :h.shape[1] // 2] = h[:, :h.shape[1] // 2] * ((scale[0] - 1) * hidden_mean + 1)

            if hsp.device not in on_cpu_devices:
                    hsp = Fourier_filter(hsp, threshold=1, scale=scale[1])
                    print("Device", hsp.device, "does not support the torch.fft.")
                    on_cpu_devices[hsp.device] = True
                    hsp = Fourier_filter(hsp.cpu(), threshold=1, scale=scale[1]).to(hsp.device)
                hsp = Fourier_filter(hsp.cpu(), threshold=1, scale=scale[1]).to(hsp.device)

        return h, hsp

    m = unet_patcher.clone()
    return m

class FreeUForForge(scripts.Script):
    sorting_priority = 12  # It will be the 12th item on UI.

    def title(self):
        return "FreeU Integrated"

    def show(self, is_img2img):
        # make this extension visible in both txt2img and img2img tab.
        return scripts.AlwaysVisible

    def ui(self, *args, **kwargs):
        with gr.Accordion(open=False, label=self.title()):
            freeu_enabled = gr.Checkbox(label='Enabled', value=False)
            freeu_b1 = gr.Slider(label='B1', minimum=0, maximum=2, step=0.01, value=1.01)
            freeu_b2 = gr.Slider(label='B2', minimum=0, maximum=2, step=0.01, value=1.02)
            freeu_s1 = gr.Slider(label='S1', minimum=0, maximum=4, step=0.01, value=0.99)
            freeu_s2 = gr.Slider(label='S2', minimum=0, maximum=4, step=0.01, value=0.95)

        return freeu_enabled, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2

    def process_before_every_sampling(self, p, *script_args, **kwargs):
        # This will be called before every sampling.
        # If you use highres fix, this will be called twice.

        freeu_enabled, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2 = script_args

        if not freeu_enabled:

        unet = p.sd_model.forge_objects.unet

        unet = patch_freeu_v2(unet, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2)

        p.sd_model.forge_objects.unet = unet

        # Below codes will add some logs to the texts below the image outputs on UI.
        # The extra_generation_params does not influence results.


See also Forge's Unet Implementation.

Under Construction

WebUI Forge is now under some constructions, and docs / UI / functionality may change with updates.