- Convenient site administration panel
- Ease of management
- Geo-Targeted Banner ADS
- Text editor
- Built-in visit analytics
- Categories
- Articles
- Pagination of the list of articles
- AJAX Contact Form
- AJAX Comments
- Comments Pre-Moderation by default
- Notifications of new comments by email
- Upload images to base64, to local storage, to AWS S3
- Preview an Image. Various preview options can be passed to the Active Storage variant method.
- Tags
- Meta Tags
- Open Graph Protocol and Twitter Card Meta Tags
- User-Friendly URLs
- Sitemap
- Current Weather by IP on Google Map
- Advanced Slider
- PhotoGallery
- Lightbox
- JavaScript Time Greeting
For Beginners: How to Start. Deploying Rails Blog on Heroku.
The application needs postgreSQL. Make sure this (for example) works:
$ sudo service postgresql-12 restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart postgresql-12.service
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE analytics_app_development;
$ git clone https://github.com/cmirnow/CRUD-Blog.git
$ cd CRUD-Blog
Set your login and password to db/seeds.rb
Ready to get started?
$ bundle install
$ yarn install --check-files
$ rake db:migrate
$ rake db:seed
$ bundle exec figaro install
RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY: "*************************"
RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY: "**************************"
GMAIL_USER_NAME: '****@***********'
GMAIL_PASSWORD: '************'
DOMAIN_NAME: 'https://mstp.herokuapp.com' #For example
SEND_EMAIL_TO: '****@*********'
SUBJECT_EMAIL: 'Hurray! You got a new form!'
SUBJECT_COMMENT_EMAIL: 'You got a new comment!'
KEY_OPENWEATHERMAP: '*******************************'
GOOGLE_MAP_KEY: '*************************************'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: '********************'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: '*********************************'
REGION: "*********"
BUCKET: "*********"
# config/storage.yml
service: S3
access_key_id: <%= ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] %>
secret_access_key: <%= ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] %>
region: <%= ENV['REGION'] %>
bucket: <%= ENV['BUCKET'] %>
OK, let's go:
$ rails s
Now login:
Сreate your first categories and articles.
Finally, create a sitemap:
rails sitemap:refresh
$ bundle exec rspec
$ bundle exec rspec -fd