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AWS Logging Module

Main Checks GitHub Release

This module created an S3 bucket for logging, as well as a KMS for CloudWatch logs.


The bucket created by this module uses AES256 encryption. CMKs (Customer Managed Keys) are not supported for access logging.



Version 2.0.0 introduces a breaking change. Be sure to following the upgrade instructions in the CHANGELOG before upgrading from a prior version.

Add this module to your (or appropriate) file and configure the inputs to match your desired configuration. For example:

module "logging" {
  source = ""

  project     = "my-project"
  environment = "dev"

Make sure you re-run tofu init after adding the module to your configuration.

tofu init
tofu plan

To update the source for this module, pass -upgrade to tofu init:

tofu init -upgrade

Log retention

CloudWatch log retention can be set independently for each log group. See the log_groups input for more information.

S3 logs follow a lifecycle policy that moves logs to the infrequent access storage class before they eventually expire. The flow chart below shoes the lifecycle of an object using the default settings.

  created[Object created]@{ shape: stadium } --30 days--> move_to_ia[Move to Infrequent Access]
  move_to_ia --90 days--> expire[Expire]
  expire --30 days--> delete[Object permenantly deleted]@{ shape: stadium }

For more information on S3 object lifecycles, see the AWS documentation on object lifecycle management.


Name Description Type Default Required
project Name of the project. string n/a yes
bucket_suffix Adds a random suffix to the bucket name. bool false no
cloudwatch_log_retention Number of days to retain logs in CloudWatch. number 30 no
environment Environment for the project. string "dev" no
key_recovery_period Number of days to recover the KMS key after deletion. number 30 no
log_groups List of CloudWatch log groups to create. list(string) [] no
log_groups_to_datadog Send CloudWatch logs to Datadog. The Datadog forwarder must have already been deployed. bool true no
object_expiration Age (in days) before logs in S3 are expired. number 90 no
object_ia_age Age (in days) before logs in S3 are moved to to the infrequent access storage tier. number 30 no
object_lock_age Age (based on the lock period) of an object before the lock is removed. number 30 no
object_lock_mode Object lock mode for the bucket. string "GOVERNANCE" no
object_lock_period Period for which objects are locked. Valid values are "days" or "years". string "days" no
object_noncurrent_expiration Age (in days) before non-current versions of logs in S3 are expired. number 30 no
tags Optional tags to be applied to all resources. list [] no


You can specify a list of CloudWatch log groups to create, with customized options for each log group. If no retention is specified, the value provided to cloudwatch_log_retention will be used.

log_groups = {
  "/sample/log/group" = {},
  "waf" = {
    name = "aws-waf-logs-cfa/waf/demo"
    tags = { source = "waf" }

The following options are available for each log group:

Name Description Type Default Required
class Storage class for the log group. Options are STANDARD and INFREQUENT_ACCESS. string "STANDARD" no
name Name of the log group. Defaults to the key from the map. string each.key no
retention Retention period for logs. string var.cloudwatch_log_retention no
tags Map of tags to add to the log group. Will be merged with tags. map(stirng) {} no


Name Description Type
bucket S3 bucket used to store logs. string
bucket_domain_name Domain name of the S3 bucket used to store logs. string
datadog_lambda ARN of the Datadog lambda forwarder, if in use. string
kms_key_alias Alias of the KMS key used to encrypt logs. string
kms_key_arn ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt logs. string
log_groups ARNs of any created CloudWatch log groups. map(string)


OpenTofu module to set up logging for AWS.







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