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# Float Sphere a.k.a La bolita voladora

This floating sphere is an A.R application that allows users to interact with a virtual sphere in a real-world environment. This app offers an immersive experience using AR technology.

Features :

Real-time Interaction:** The ball responds to phone and user movements on the given printed image.

Creation steps of the AR app :

1st step-->Preparation: The verion of Unity has to be 6 or higher and with the installed with support for Android and AR Foundation.

Create a new project in Unity- Universal 3D Core-in organization has to be filled with Vuforia account .

2nd step--> Project Configuration:

Import AR Foundation and ARCore XR Plugin from the Unity Package Manager.

Set up your project for Android in File > Build Settings.

3rd step--> Creating the Unity Scene:

Create a new scene and add an AR Session and AR Session Origin.

4th step--> Import the printed image that you want to use (Assets > Import New Asset).

Create an empty GameObject and name it "ImageAnchor"

Drag the image onto the ImageAnchor.

5th step--> Create a C# script called FloatSphere

6th step--> Scene Implementation in Unity:

Create a sphere in Unity (GameObject > 3D Object > Sphere) and turn it into a prefab.

Assign AR Tracked Image Manager to the AR Session Origin object.

Assign your image as a Reference Image in the AR Tracked Image Manager.

Add the FloatSphere script to the AR Session Origin and drag your sphere prefab to the script.

7th step--> Building the .APK:

Set up build options for Android (File > Build Settings).

Build and install the app on your Android device.


  1. Clone this repository.
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
    cd flying-ball
  3. Run the application.
    open build.apk


  1. Open the app on your mobile device and it has to be Android 7 or higher
  2. Allow access to the camera.
  3. Scan the environment to see the flying ball in action.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. author :Lavinia (@codewithlavi)

Spanish version#Español

Bolita Voladora

"La Bolita Voladora" es una aplicación de realidad aumentada para Android que permite a los usuarios interactuar con una esfera virtual en un entorno real. Esta aplicación ofrece una experiencia inmersiva utilizando tecnología de R.A.


  • Interacción en tiempo real: La bolita responde a los movimientos del movíl y del usuario.


  1. Clona este repositorio.
    git clone
  2. Navega al directorio del proyecto.
    cd bolita-voladora
  3. Ejecuta la aplicación.
    open build.apk

Uso :

  1. Abre la aplicación en tu dispositivo móvil Android 7 o superior.
  2. Permite el acceso a la cámara.
  3. Escanea el entorno para ver la bolita voladora en acción.


Este proyecto está bajo la licencia MIT. Ver el archivo LICENSE para más detalles autor :Lavinia (@codewithlavi)


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