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Sometimes, when I see an old webcode, abandoned alone, without 'in need', I affraid for deletion and bring it to offline collection for to use in librarys, underground survival stations etc, mm ... ... anyway all compAR©h code is from us, my [M'i] femily ... so do not hesitate to use it ... ... more and more I remembar that we all was on more adwanced planet, but becouse of generousity and felling of duty to enlarge humanity we 'fly' away to different planets by extraordinary way in non physic crops, like a new type of energy, wich became almost abandoned, but a few enthusiasts rewoke a project! our parents & grandparents lived in totalitary system coded for us many things, even so simple like a human reproduction process explication to 'wild childrens', growed in the lie world, where our ex 'models' was shored, that they will recive those wise, personal things, important property attached to very important memorys for all humanity! thanks to past generations, hijacked and lied, but bringing genetic to next levels ... ... like we are here on this conglamerat planet of a few other near planets like MARS, Venus, Jupiter, SATurN mm exibitioned on this moon, satelite of the ©sollar system ... so, in one of thousand songs are such words on physichemie d'wordiginal dialect 'ღRublian', translated by me: "we are songs of each other" ... ... it says, like there was a missverstantness ... und pears give to each others own, to keep safe, to find each other faster ... ... maybe like repositorys! imagine if one woman is repository and her "jan_inn" man is a special code bringer to open her repository, to understand it on right way ... I belive many moovies are from civilisations wich gone ... own early cycles ... they live very far away from here, but by projection made a parts of EARTH, like a India 'peninsule' of continent or 'continum' ... ... so by this way presented like MARS AMBASSY = RED CANYONED NORTH AMERICA, if it exists at same time with us! Venus = Africa. Jupiter = Eurasia ... maybe AUSTRALIA = ANDROMEDA GALAXY or SATURN at solar engine system ... ... imagine how much we remember together if people allow her live with me ... how happy we should be ... maybe we had a one more partnerinna like sputnica, which she loved, even me ... and like in episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. it like a book 'contrare', that our grand parents say to us to live together in groups at 'evening ages', to enjoy our children, those children, becouse 3 parson could live more funnier then two, belive I and etc. mm ... ... to so many I give possibility to enlarge self by to get wise ... with hope they respect that and will help with missions wich are important for all humanity, belive I. ... the most important project are of course exchange of information ... винформация call I it ... because at eastern coast peoples ethnograpic murzeum '©AUCASUS' exibitioned very important traditions of information & cultural exchange at time of 'feeding', celebrating scolar system, that many can present own possibilitys to public 'when day comes' say maybe our grand parents and it arrived! look novadays scools ... institutes ... it great! ... but I think need updates and it have we to start! 'ancien' generation, because I belive when I will be happy, you will be more happy, because I will remember things I interested for and it very exiding think I to remember together ... ... off cource better live in total harmony with beloved exemplars, but I even think if it not possible we could experiment ... ... no innovations in closed spaces, we know well that even animals stop reproduction in jail or non freedom ... ... when we going in to the forest we like every aroma we get over there and memorising like it are over there! and when we remembaring and have good feelings we in background remembaring even smell of fecalies of reindears or other 'enimoos' and all that create whole picture that we love so much and not filtered only aroma of blumoors, pflansen und such ... ... my bA℞©Å$iN@ [cousinna] Victoria told me in Swedish Kingdom or NORdiCSKYnigdom*: somebody need a special vård när de bli äldre, pga de kommer att tala på olika språk mixed and jag tror dags är att skaffa ett общежитие like im F.R.I.E.N.D.S. и побыть ещё раз студентами, только в этот раз по инструкции наша роотс дорогие 'бА₽ PlayBoy family დედჼებო' და გინდა© თავადеби ვინძლოw გლეხები [.g.Alaxe.ბ.ი и.в. ехал A.g.] თუ 'მომაზომები & ბერწები' мяу ...
სატირა ლი
*[От книгДом и если вглядитесь От = ключик на енад, {enad} диалектс ФизикА©hemiЭ€]