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Jumper is a multi-repository maintenance tool.

A knitted jumper


  • node > 12
  • npm > 6
  • hub > 2.14 with a github personal access token set on your env, e.g. GITHUB_TOKEN="xyz"

What does Jumper do?

  • From the command line
  • In parallel
  • Runs a selected strategy --strategy
  • Against multiple repositories specified by --repoList
  • And then creates log files

Getting started

You can use the latest version of this tool using the following command in the terminal:

npx github:connected-web/jumper

This should output text similar to:

[JUMPER CLI] Starting process
Usage: -r <repolist.txt> -s <audit> -r <tvpx-200>

  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]
  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]
  ...[and more]

Running the audit strategy

Create a text file containing a list of repositories that you wish you audit, e.g. repolist.txt:


Then to run the audit strategy on these repositories against against the reference ownership, use the following command:

npx github:connected-web/jumper --strategy audit --repoList ./repolist.txt --reference ownership

The above command will clone the repositories into a temporary repos folder, and automatically runs npm audit fix --force on each repository. It will then commit the changes and then raise a pull request using hub. Logs for each operation performed will be created in a temporary ./logs folder.

Other strategies are available, see the Available Strategies section below.

Flags and Args

-s / --strategy

Choose a strategy from the index of available keys. To see more about what each strategy does, see the Available Strategies section below.

-l / --repoList

The filename containing the list of github repos to run strategies against; in the format org/reponame, one per line. See Specifying Repositories section below.

-r / --reference [optional]

Optional. Ideally a unique reference to the work this tool usage is related to. This reference can be used by strategies performing commits and similar actions.

Specifying Repositories

You can specify the repos to run in the repolist.txt or your own text file, utilising the --repoList ./filename.txt argument.

In the file, include a return character separated list of GitHub repositories in the format [organisation]/[repository name], e.g. repolist.txt:


Available Strategies


Wipe out all input.txt files from the repo history using git filter-repo and a force push; and add a .gitignore record for good measure.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist-aoc.txt --strategy aoc

See: AoC strategy source code for the full list of executed commands.


Uses npm audit fix --force to update each repos and then create a PR.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist.txt --strategy audit

See the audit strategy source code for the full list of commands.


Uses git clone${repo}.git to clone a list of repos into the subfolder repos/${repo}.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist.txt --strategy checkout

See the checkout strategy source code for the full list of commands.


Uses echo "Hello ${repo} to print out the name of each repo. This is a super-safe example of a jumper strategy that you can use to build your own strategies.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist.txt --strategy hello

See the hello strategy source code to see how this works.


Checks for a lint command in package.json; then uses npm uninstall standard, and npm install -D standard, before running npm run lint, and raising a PR. The idea is to upgrade the linter, and then apply any new linting rules. Quite often this will lead to unfixable linting errors; but the PR still gets created, and can be reviewed and fixed from there.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist.txt --strategy linting --reference ownership

See the linting strategy source code to see how this works.

PR Checker

Looks for a test command in package.json and then a .github/workflows/pr-check.yml file. If the test command is found, but not the pr-check.yml file; then this strategy will create the pr-check.yml file based on a local template; and a raise a PR on each repo checked.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist.txt --strategy pr-checker

See the rebuild strategy source code for the full list of commands.


Uses npm uninstall ${a} ${b} ${b} to remove all dependencies, and then reinstalls the latest available versions using npm install ${a} ${b} ${c}. Processes dependencies and devDependencies separately. After updating package.json in each repo it will raise a PR.

Example: npx github:connected-web/jumper --repoList repolist.txt --strategy rebuild

See the rebuild strategy source code for the full list of commands.

General development

If wanting to contribute to the project, we recommend creating a new branch and raising a pull-request for us to review.

The project has linting, which can be run using npm run lint.

It also includes lightweight tests that can be run with rpm run test

Adding a new strategy

Currently we only support the provided Available Strategies, to write your own please create a pull request against this project. In future we may add support for loading a strategy from a local JavaScript file.


Multi-repository maintenance tools






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