generates the necessary Coq boilerplate to use OCaml functions in a
Coq development, and configures the Coq extraction mechanism accordingly.
- Author(s):
- Thomas Letan
- Li-yao Xia
- Yann Régis-Gianas
- Yannick Zakowski
- Coq-community maintainer(s):
- Thomas Letan (@lthms)
- License: MIT License
- Compatible Coq versions: 8.12 or later
- Compatible OCaml versions: 4.08 or later
- Additional dependencies:
- Coq namespace:
- Related publication(s): none
Make sure your OPAM installation points to the official Coq repository as documented here, and then, the following should work:
git clone
cd coqffi
opam install .
Alternatively, you can install coqffi
’s dependencies (as listed in
the Meta section of the README), then build it.
git clone
cd coqffi
dune build -p coq-coqffi
Suppose the following OCaml header file (file.mli
) is given:
type fd
val std_out : fd
val fd_equal : fd -> fd -> bool [@@pure]
val openfile : string -> fd
val closefile : fd -> unit
val read_all : fd -> string
val write : fd -> string -> unit
then generates the necessary Coq boilerplate to use these
functions in a Coq development:
(* This file has been generated by coqffi. *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Set Contextual Implicit.
Generalizable All Variables.
From CoqFFI Require Export Extraction.
From SimpleIO Require Import IO_Monad.
From CoqFFI Require Import Interface.
(** * Types *)
Axiom fd : Type.
Extract Constant fd => "Examples.File.fd".
(** * Pure functions *)
Axiom std_out : fd.
Axiom fd_equal : fd -> fd -> bool.
Extract Constant std_out => "Examples.File.std_out".
Extract Constant fd_equal => "Examples.File.fd_equal".
(** * Impure Primitives *)
(** ** Monad Definition *)
Class MonadFile (m : Type -> Type) : Type :=
{ openfile : string -> m fd
; closefile : fd -> m unit
; read_all : fd -> m string
; write : fd -> string -> m unit
(** ** [IO] Instance *)
Axiom io_openfile : string -> IO fd.
Axiom io_closefile : fd -> IO unit.
Axiom io_read_all : fd -> IO string.
Axiom io_write : fd -> string -> IO unit.
Extract Constant io_openfile
=> "(fun x0 k__ -> k__ (Examples.File.openfile x0))".
Extract Constant io_closefile
=> "(fun x0 k__ -> k__ (Examples.File.closefile x0))".
Extract Constant io_read_all
=> "(fun x0 k__ -> k__ (Examples.File.read_all x0))".
Extract Constant io_write
=> "(fun x0 x1 k__ -> k__ (Examples.File.write x0 x1))".
Instance IO_MonadFile : MonadFile IO :=
{ openfile := io_openfile
; closefile := io_closefile
; read_all := io_read_all
; write := io_write
(* The generated file ends here. *)
The generated module may introduce additional dependency to your
project. For instance, the simple-io
feature (enabled by default)
generates the necessary boilerplate to use the impure primitives of
the input module within the IO
monad introduced by the
See the coqffi
man pages for more information on how to use it.