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A Python package for collaborative filtering on social datasets


  1. Pip (official releases): pip install neighbors
  2. Github (bleeding edge): pip install git+

Getting started

The best way to learn how to use the package is by checking out the documentation site which contains usage tutorials as well as API documentation for all package functionality.

Quick Demo Usage

from neighbors.models import NNMF_sgd
from neighbors.utils create_user_item_matrix, estimate_performance

# Assuming data is 3 column pandas df with 'User', 'Item', 'Rating'
# convert it to a (possibly sparse) user x item matrix
mat = create_user_item_matrix(df)

# Initialize a model
model = NNMF_sgd(mat)

# Fit

# If data are time-series optionally fit model using dilation
# to leverage auto-correlation and improve performance

# Visualize results

# Estimate algorithm performance using
# Repeated refitting with random masking (dense data)
# Or cross-validation (sparse data)
group_results, user_results = estimate_performance(NNMF_sgd, mat)


Currently supported algorithms include:

  • Mean - a baseline model
  • KNN - k-nearest neighbors
  • NNMF_mult - non-negative matrix factorization trained via multiplicative updating
  • NNMF_sgd - non-negative matrix factorization trained via stochastic gradient descent