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Kafka Connect Couchbase

A plug-in for the Kafka Connect framework.

What does it do?

The plugin includes a "source connector" for publishing document change notifications from Couchbase to a Kafka topic, as well as a "sink connector" that subscribes to one or more Kafka topics and writes the messages to Couchbase.

See the documentation linked above for more details and a quickstart guide.

Customizing the message format

The example project in examples/custom-extensions shows how to extend the source connector and customize the format of messages published to Kafka.

Building the connector from source

Pre-built distributions are available from the download link above. The following instructions are intended for developers working on the connector.

JDK 9 or later is required when building the connector.

  1. Clone this GitHub repository.

  2. Run ./mvnw package in the project’s root directory to generate the connector archive.

  3. Look for couchbase-kafka-connect-couchbase-<version>.zip under the target directory.