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The purpose is to build a mini wifi projector control module with a simple Wemos R1 mini (ESP8266) Module.
All starts with a virtual overview:
Here are the indispensables features i have implemented:
**1.Control EPSON projector from wifi and get informations (like Lamp hour).
**2.Customs commands based on Epson documentation Here
**3.Json feedback.
**4.Custom network configuration (wifi,static dhcp..)
**5.Updateable on the air.
Just plug the box in the RS232 of your projector and bring USB power to the box.

Very simple, at the first start, PimpMyEpson will provide a Wifi hotspot (Normally PimpMyEpson_***). Connect to the device with a wifi phone or tablet.
You could choose in network menu wifi mode (Station or AccessPoint), and dhcp or static ip adress.
Wifi profile (Station or AccessPoint)
Network profile (Static or DHCP)
Less than 10euros, found on known electronics websites.
ESP Wemos Mini D1 mini RS232 interface
Box printed :

This box has been printed and built with openScad, an excellent 3D software designer OPENScad. No more click, you design your model with code, 3DAC (3D as code) :) (so easy to adjust).
Click here to download the openScad box file, as you see, very simple :
Boite pour PimpMyEpson avec openScad
2017 (Fred)
// La boite principale
module boite()
// Intersection trapeze USB et boite
difference() {
// Intersection trapeze RS232 et boite
difference() {
// Intersection des 2 boites
difference() {
translate([-18,0,0]) cube ([36,44,27]);
translate([-16,1,2]) cube ([32,41,25]);
translate([0,5,18]) rotate([90,180,0]) linear_extrude (height=10) polygon (points=[[-9,0],[9,0],[7,8],[-7,8]]);
translate([0,45,20]) rotate([90,0,0]) linear_extrude (height=10) polygon (points=[[-5,0],[5,0],[4,4],[-4,4]]);
// Le couvercle
module couvercle()
// Intersection avec le couvercle
rotate([180,0,0]) translate([45,-44,-29]) difference() {
// Couvercle
translate([-18,0,25]) cube ([36,44,4]);
// La marche interne
module marche();
// La marche interne
translate([-16,36,2]) rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude (height=32) polygon (points=[[-4,0],[6,0],[6,10],[-2,10]]);
You can find sources here
You can find image here (just upload to your wemos with arduino IDE or other flashtool)
Some actions :
Custom command screen:
Json raw:
// 20171204223950 // http://<module_ip>/json
{ "version": "1.0", "starttime": 358453, "ip": "", "netmask": "", "gateway": "", "wifimode": "ST", "ipconfig": "STATIC", "ssid": "TUSTI_WIFI", "password": "****", "lampeHours": "LAMP=495", "powerState": "PWR=01" }
Api for custom command:
Just use http://<module_ip>/command?cmd=<your_espon_command> in response, the videoprojector answer.

Some Gorilla's HomeAutomate integration:
After plugin Espon added:
Insert widget:
OUn Oun !