This code has not been reviewed and is not safe to use in non-research capacities.
This is a proof of concept implementation of Verkle Tries. Any and all mistakes made are mine and are not reflective of the protocol.
- This new code currently has less benchmarks
- Parallelism is not currently being used, in places where it could be.
The code has been intentionally implemented in a different way in most places to check for consistency and any misunderstandings. For example, recursion is not used as much when inserting leaves. This means that the code will be more verbose as we need to compute exactly when the algorithm will stop ahead of time.
There are intuitively natural differences due to the language being used, for example, BTreeMap is used in places where the python implementation uses a dictionary and then sorts it.
- 32/64 bit architecture due to using
as u32
in some cases in the code.
This implementation references the ethereum research and go-verkle implementations: