This is not the implementation of whole pilot e application anymore but only of serveral widgets, such as the capture wirecloud widget or several debriefing widgets, etc.
label="Set Worldstate"
description="Sets a worldstate (JSON-String, min level 3) to be displayed
or edited. However, if the widget is currently editing (see
set/isEditing) it will prompt the user if he wants to discard
changes. If the user is positive about discard then the new
worldstate data is loaded and an 'isEditing' event with the
value 'false' is issued, otherwise the worldstate will remain
the old one and an 'isEditing' event with value 'false' is
issued. In case that the widget is not in editing mode and a
new worldstate is set and 'isEditing' event with the value
'false' is issued, too."
label="Set Editing"
description="Toggle editing mode. If the provided value is 'true' the
widget will display a modal dialog asking for initial data,
such as exercise name (a.k.a. worldstate name), exercise
description (a.k.a. worldstate description), incident time
and reference time. If the user provides appropriate values
and accepts his input (answer 'OK') the widget will switch to
editing mode and will also issue a 'getExerciseMetadata' event.
It contains the four afore mentioned properties as JSON. If the
user cancels entry of exercise data the widget does not enter
editing mode and issues an 'isEditing' event with the value
If the provided value is 'false' and the widget is currently
in editing mode the widget will probably stop editing: The user
is asked if he wants to stop editing. If his answer is 'No' an
'isEditing' event with the value 'true' is issued. If his
answer is 'Yes' the current values will be pushed to the
backend and a 'getDataitem' event with a transient dataitem
will be issued. This dataitem is not stored by the component
(thus transient) and does not contain an 'id' or '$self'
property as the widget does not know the origin of the
worldstate and thus cannot fetch a proper id."
label="Get the newly created Dataitem"
description="Event that is issued if editing mode was started and stopped
successfully (without user veto or discard). Provides a
transient dataitem that does not contain 'id' or '$self'."
label="Is in editing mode"
description="Event that is issued on various occasions, see input endpoints"
label="Get the metadata of the new exercise"
description="Event that is issued if the editing mode is actually entered
(setEditing=true), see setEditing input endpoint"