A module for using the Api Banregio REST API and generating valid Access Token by OAuth2 protocol.
You can find awesome documentation for Api Banregio REST API here
Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python.
pip install api-sdk-python
Don't have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command line:
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python
Getting started with the Banregio API couldn't be easier. Create a Token Helper and you're ready to go.
You need to implement the ApiBanregioTokenHeper class to get your access_token. There are two ways to do this action:
from banregioapi.banregio_token_helper import BanregioTokenHelper
client_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
secret_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
redirect_uri = 'http://localhost'
api = BanregioTokenHelper(
# get the authorization url for you app
print api.get_authorize_url()
#output example: https://sandbox.banregio.com/oauth/authorize?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost&response_type=code&client_id=Fmaf93Ytqqwp8ZEdHEyBG1meaj1oNB1120ncaq92bcG
# copy and paste the output url in your browser and login
# afther that, copy and paste the value of code parameter
code = "authotization code"
# get your access token
print api.get_access_token(code)
# get your refresh token
print api.get_refresh_token()
# if your access_token is expired you can get a new access_token via refresh token
refresh_token = '9idasmkioa92ndaa8m2maldmna28ns'
print api.get_access_token_with_refresh_token(refresh_token)
print api.get_refresh_token()
from banregioapi.banregio_token_helper import BanregioTokenHelper
client_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
secret_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
redirect_uri = 'http://localhost'
api = BanregioTokenHelper(
# get your access token via grant type client credentials
print api.get_access_token_with_client_credentials()
# '73bc912nday1bndndmdmq101udhj9'
from banregioapi.banregio_api_helper import BanregioApiHelper
# use your access token
client = BanregioApiHelper(access_token=access_token)
# get all accounts
#{u'accounts': [{u'id': 277, u'account_number': u'******490787', u'details': None, u'balance': u'200000.00', u'card_number': u'************3219', u'is_credit_card': False}, {u'id': 278, u'account_number': u'******490661', u'details': {u'deferred_balance': u'1064.87', u'due_date': u'2017-08-18T00:00:00', u'last_closing_date': u'2017-01-29T00:00:00', u'non_interest_payment': u'12572.38', u'closing_date': u'2017-07-29T00:00:00', u'minimum_payment': u'493.00', u'cashback_balance': u'1271.03', u'statement_balance': u'12572.38', u'available_balance': 2609.44, u'limit': u'20000.00', u'blocked_balance': u'17310.73', u'annual_percentage_rate': u'36.86', u'product_name': u'VISA GOLD'}, u'balance': u'79.83', u'card_number': u'************2548', u'is_credit_card': True}
# get transactions by account
#{u'transactions': [{u'status': u'A', u'reference_number': u'5666820672133655043', u'description': u'fugiat error nisi mollitia expedita', u'business': {u'name': u'ipsa architecto', u'activity': {u'name': u'Doloremque Possimus Eligendi'}}, u'amount': u'-349.29', u'transaction_number': u'6057184068', u'date': u'2017-08-08', u'type': u'2'}, {u'status': u'A', u'reference_number': u'50212160807842917362', u'description': u'sapiente exercitationem hic dolor debiti', u'business': {u'name': u'ullam voluptatibus', u'activity': {u'name': u'Vero Ea Laboriosam'}}, u'amount': u'199.85', u'transaction_number': u'9884237872', u'date': u'2017-08-07', u'type': u'1'}, {u'status': u'A', u'reference_number': u'93378570346745467901', u'description': u'debitis omnis voluptas sint ipsum', u'business': {u'name': u'architecto libero', u'activity': {u'name': u'Quo Eos Accusamus'}}, u'amount': u'-187.21', u'transaction_number': u'4013104787',...