Releases: cryotools/cosipy
Releases · cryotools/cosipy
COSIPY v2.0.2
What's Changed
- add makefile, simplify installation options, pull request #88
- fix: relative paths to config files not found when using WRFxCSPY, pull request #87
- fix: attempts pathing using environment variable
- refactor(config): path type safety, default path handling for WRFxCSPY
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2
COSIPY v2.0.1
What's Changed
- fix: bump numba by @benatouba in #75
- fix(setup): Handle user input by @benatouba in #73
- fix: fix aws2cosipy by @benatouba in #79
- fix: entries in config by @benatouba in #77
- merge: Release 2.0.1 by @gampnico in #84
New Contributors
- @benatouba made their first contribution in #75
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.0.1
This update is not backwards-compatible with previous versions of COSIPY.
- New configuration system - convert your old config files using
. - Critical bug fixes - surface temperature, refreezing, snowfall, radiation.
- Performance - up to 30% faster for some simulations.
- Expanded support for WRF.
- Pip package support - install once, run anywhere.
- Documentation update - API, tutorial.
- CI workflow.
Please read the updated tutorial on to learn how to use the new configuration system.
- Configuration system now uses .toml files. You can now run multiple simulations from the same root directory.
- Configuration for utilities is now centralised to a single file.
- .py configuration files for COSIPY 1.4 can be converted to the new .toml system with a utility script.
- Expanded support for WRF.
- Packaging support for pip - installing with pip provides shortcuts for common COSIPY commands.
- Updated tutorial, API, and documentation.
Breaking changes
- Drops support for Python 3.8 and lower.
- Replaces the entire configuration system.
- Centralises the source directory structure.
- Removes the
files. Output variable selection is now in the config file. - Some arguments have been renamed to avoid namespace collision.
are now reserved for handling configuration files. - Some output attributes and variable names have been corrected.
Critical Bug Fixes
- The surface temperature solver no longer terminates prematurely.
- Refreezing now conserves mass and uses the correct units. Thanks to @MarcusGastaldello for providing both these fixes.
- Snowfall is now in metres water equivalent instead of ice equivalent. Thanks to @Richteny for spotting this.
- Date comparisons now compare times instead of string lengths.
- Incorrect conversion to radians in radiation module.
- Fixed typos in output variable names.
- Simulations run up to 30% faster.
- Significant optimisations across all modules - with thanks to @MarcusGastaldello and @Richteny.
- "Secant" is now the default minimisation algorithm.
- Optimisations for saving data to disk.
- Optimisations for preprocessing scripts.
Major runtime optimisation release:
- Optimisation of runtime by implementing numba
- Added SLSQP and Newton optimisation for finding surface temperature
- New ground heat flux calculation (does not depend on layer heights any more)
- Layer ice fraction added to the restart file
- Snow properties timestamp since last snowfall now to obtain correct albedo values after restart (before it was relative to selected start point) t
- Added minimum_snowfall to constants (minimum snowfall per timestep) and separate it from minimum_snow_layer_height (which is used within the adaptive regridding)
- Initial top temperature of snowpack depends on air temperature of first-time step now (before it was a constant)
- Change names of initial density constants
- Better constrained initial density and temperature profiles
- Heat equation has been vectorized (runtime optimisation)
- README and requirements.txt updated
- yaml log has been deleted
COSIPY v1.3.1 - update of version 1.3
- fixes wrf2cosipy utility
- fixes aws2cosipy utility
- bug fix rain heat flux
- fixes subsurface modules
- output SNOWFALL variable now in m w.e. (before is was m)
COSIPY v1.3 – An open-source coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model
New Major released - version used for our revised GMD paper (
- new densification parameterisations (now available: Boone, Vionnet, emprical, constant)
- bugfix radiation model (Wohlfahrt et al, 2016)
- bugfixes utility 'wrf2cosipy'
- new plot profile utility
- improved utility 'create static file' (Error in case of NaNs, differet method to calculate aspect (solves problem with NaNs with high spatial resolutions for aspect)
- improved utility 'aws2cosipy' (Error in case of NaNs, G outside glacier now NaN instead of zero)
- improved evaluation, non WRF grids should work now
Coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model in Python v1.2
Commit to release 1.2
Coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model in Python - Version 1.1
COSIPY solves the energy balance at the surface and is coupled to an adaptive vertical multilayer snow and ice module.