resurrected LLVM "C Backend", with improvements
This version of the LLVM-CBE library works with LLVM 8.0. You will have to compile this version of LLVM before you try to use LLVM-CBE. This guide will walk you through the compilation and installation of both tools and show usage statements to verify that the LLVM-CBE library is compiled correctly.
The library is known to compile on various Linux versions (Redhat, Mageia, Ubuntu, Debian), Mac OS X, and Windows (Mingw-w64).
LLVM-CBE relies on specific LLVM internals, and so it is best to use it with a specific revision of the LLVM development tree. Currently, llvm-cbe works with the LLVM 8.0 release version and autotools.
Note: to convert C to LLVM IR to run the tests, you will also need a C compiler such as clang.
The first step is to compile LLVM on your machine (this assumes an in-tree build, but out-of-tree will also work):
cd $HOME
git clone
cd llvm-project
git checkout release_80
mkdir llvm/build
cd llvm/build
cmake ..
Next, download and compile llvm-cbe from the same folder:
cd $HOME/llvm-project/llvm/projects
git clone
cd ../build
cmake ..
make llvm-cbe
To run tests, you will also need to build lli
make lli
If llvm-cbe compiles, you should be able to run it with the following commands.
$ cd $HOME/llvm-project/llvm/projects/llvm-cbe/test/selectionsort
$ ls
$ clang -S -emit-llvm main.c
$ ls
main.c main.ll
$ $(HOME)/llvm/build/bin/llvm-cbe main.ll
$ gcc -o main.cbe main.cbe.c
$ ls
main.c main.cbe main.cbe.c main.ll
$ ./main.cbe
Unit tests:
$ cd $HOME/llvm-project/llvm/build
$ make CBEUnitTests && projects/llvm-cbe/unittests/CWriterTest
Other tests:
First, compile llvm-cbe, and install pytest. Then:
$ cd $HOME/llvm-project/llvm/projects/llvm-cbe
$ pytest