Inject C code and access redisServer object from running redis instance via GDB
We retrieve the address of the main object symbol from redis via gdb.
We then compile a binary which refers to symbols, but is not linked to, the original redis-server binary.
We then connect to the running binary via gdb again, and dlopen() the binary,
which contains a constructor-tagged (using __attribute__((constructor))
) function, and is so called immediately
We needed access to pubsub channel information, and we weren't running 2.8
$ bash
### Retrieving redis '2.4.16'
fatal: destination path 'redis' already exists and is not an empty directory.
~/redis_inject/redis ~/redis_inject
HEAD is now at 2a18c2c... Redis 2.4.16
### Getting Address
*Address: '0x106b2fdd8'
### Compiling Injection 'redis_murder_1384255605'
### Injecting Code
From redis
[12514] 12 Nov 11:26:44 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 922368 bytes in use
Injection successful!
Injected into Redis: Address: 106b2fdd8
Injected into Redis: Port: 6379
Injected into Redis: Channels: 0
[12514] 12 Nov 11:26:49 - 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 922368 bytes in use