An instant, zero-config bostrom blockchain.
Localbostrom is a complete bostrom testnet containerized with Docker and orchestrated with a simple docker-compose
file. It simplifies the way smart-contract developers test their contracts in a sandbox before they deploy them on a testnet or mainnet.
Localbostrom comes preconfigured with opinionated, sensible defaults for standard testing environments. It also comes with pre-configured cyberindex to allow fast and easy data manipulation and analysis.
Localbostrom has the following advantages over a public testnet:
- Quick to reset for rapid iterations
- Simple simulations of different scenarios
- Controllable validator behavior
- Docker
- Supported known architecture: x86_64
- 8+ GB of RAM is recommended
- Run the following commands::
$ git clone
$ cd localbostrom
- Start localbostrom with cyberindex:
$ docker-compose up --detach
Your environment now contains:
cyber RPC node running on
GRPC endpoint at
LCD running on
with swagger athttp://localhost:1317/swagger
GraphQL endpoint on
Start only localbostrom:
$ docker-compose up -d cyber --detach
- Stop localbostrom:
$ docker-compose stop
- Reset the state:
$ docker-compose rm
Ensure the same version of
daemon and localbostrom are installed. -
to talk to your localbostromcyber
$ cyber status
This command automatically works because cyber
connects to localhost:26657
by default
The following command is the explicit form:
$ cyber status --node=http://localhost:26657
- Run any of the
commands against your localbostrom network, as shown in the following example:
$ cyber query account bostrom1phaxpevm5wecex2jyaqty2a4v02qj7qm5n94ug
- If you want to hard restart the network (drop state and start from the genesis) you can use
Connect to the chain through localbostrom's LCD server:
from cyber_sdk.client.lcd import LCDClient
cyber = LCDClient("localbostrom", "http://localhost:1317")
The majority of localbostrom is implemented through a docker-compose.yml
file, making it easily customizable. You can use localbostrom as a starting template point for setting up your own local Terra testnet with Docker containers.
Out of the box, localbostrom comes preconfigured with opinionated settings such as:
- ports defined for RPC (26657), LCD (1317) and FCD (3060)
- standard accounts
- index config(postgress db params, hasura access params etc.)
You can modify the node configuration of your validator in the config/config.toml
and config/app.toml
To modify cyberindex params - edit config, posgtres params could be altered in docker-compose.yml
. Changing postgres params require container and ./cyberindex/postgres
folder termination and rebuild with:
docker-compose down postgres
rm -rf cyberindex/postgres
edit what you need in `cyberindex/config.yaml`
docker-compose up -d postgres --detach
localbostrom is pre-configured with one validator and 10 accounts with boot balances.
Account | Address | Mnemonic |
validator | bostrom1phaxpevm5wecex2jyaqty2a4v02qj7qm5n94ug bostromvaloper1phaxpevm5wecex2jyaqty2a4v02qj7qmvfz2vt |
satisfy adjust timber high purchase tuition stool faith fine install that you unaware feed domain license impose boss human eager hat rent enjoy dawn |
test1 | bostrom1cyyzpxplxdzkeea7kwsydadg87357qnau43779 |
notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius |
test2 | bostrom18s5lynnmx37hq4wlrw9gdn68sg2uxp5rr7deye |
quality vacuum heart guard buzz spike sight swarm shove special gym robust assume sudden deposit grid alcohol choice devote leader tilt noodle tide penalty |
test3 | bostrom1qwexv7c6sm95lwhzn9027vyu2ccneaqaxafy7g |
symbol force gallery make bulk round subway violin worry mixture penalty kingdom boring survey tool fringe patrol sausage hard admit remember broken alien absorb |
test4 | bostrom14hcxlnwlqtq75ttaxf674vk6mafspg8x9q5suy |
bounce success option birth apple portion aunt rural episode solution hockey pencil lend session cause hedgehog slender journey system canvas decorate razor catch empty |
test5 | bostrom12rr534cer5c0vj53eq4y32lcwguyy7nnxrglz7 |
second render cat sing soup reward cluster island bench diet lumber grocery repeat balcony perfect diesel stumble piano distance caught occur example ozone loyal |
test6 | bostrom1nt33cjd5auzh36syym6azgc8tve0jlvk5m8a64 |
spatial forest elevator battle also spoon fun skirt flight initial nasty transfer glory palm drama gossip remove fan joke shove label dune debate quick |
test7 | bostrom10qfrpash5g2vk3hppvu45x0g860czur8zpn8w6 |
noble width taxi input there patrol clown public spell aunt wish punch moment will misery eight excess arena pen turtle minimum grain vague inmate |
test8 | bostrom1f4tvsdukfwh6s9swrc24gkuz23tp8pd3jdyhpg |
cream sport mango believe inhale text fish rely elegant below earth april wall rug ritual blossom cherry detail length blind digital proof identify ride |
test9 | bostrom1myv43sqgnj5sm4zl98ftl45af9cfzk7nu6p3gz |
index light average senior silent limit usual local involve delay update rack cause inmate wall render magnet common feature laundry exact casual resource hundred |
test10 | bostrom14gs9zqh8m49yy9kscjqu9h72exyf295azqa4qr |
prefer forget visit mistake mixture feel eyebrow autumn shop pair address airport diesel street pass vague innocent poem method awful require hurry unhappy shoulder |
├── bostrom_config `folder wich typically is .cyber/config, containd all node configs and params`
│ ├── addrbook.json
│ ├── app.toml
│ ├── client.toml
│ ├── config.toml
│ ├── genesis.json
│ ├── node_key.json
│ └── priv_validator_key.json
├── cyberindex `folder containing everything relayted to cyberindex`
│ ├── config.yaml `cyberindex config`
│ ├── postgres `folder contains postgress db`
│ └── schema `folder with sql views for db, add yours here to be initiated during postgres startup`
│ ├── 00-cosmos.sql
│ ├── 01-auth.sql
│ ├── 02-bank.sql
│ ├── 03-modules.sql
│ ├── 04-graph.sql
│ ├── 05-grid.sql
│ ├── 06-resources.sql
│ └── 07-wasm.sql
├── data `contain all chain data`
│ └── priv_validator_state.json
├── docker-compose.yml