is a Python package for finding groups of profiles based on metadata and calculate mean Average Precision to assess intra- vs inter-group similarities.
copairs supports Python 3.8+ and should work with all modern operating systems (tested with MacOS 13.5, Ubuntu 18.04, Windows 10).
copairs depends on widely used Python packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- tqdm
- statsmodels
- [optional] plotly
To install copairs and dependencies, run:
pip install copairs
To also install dependencies for running examples, run:
pip install copairs[demo]
To run tests, run:
pip install -e .[test]
We provide examples demonstrating how to use copairs for:
- grouping profiles based on their metadata
- calculating mAP to assess phenotypic activity of perturbations
- calculating mAP to assess phenotypic consistency of perturbations
- estimating null size for mAP p-value calculation
If you find this work useful for your research, please cite our pre-print:
Kalinin, A.A., Arevalo, J., Vulliard, L., Serrano, E., Tsang, H., Bornholdt, M., Muñoz, A.F., Sivagurunathan, S., Rajwa, B., Carpenter, A.E., Way, G.P. and Singh, S., 2024. A versatile information retrieval framework for evaluating profile strength and similarity. bioRxiv, pp.2024-04. doi:10.1101/2024.04.01.587631
title={A versatile information retrieval framework for evaluating profile strength and similarity},
author={Kalinin, Alexandr A and Arevalo, John and Vulliard, Loan and Serrano, Erik and Tsang, Hillary and Bornholdt, Michael and Muñoz, Alán F and Sivagurunathan, Suganya and Rajwa, Bartek and Carpenter, Anne E and Way, Gregory P and Singh, Shantanu},