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Development Environment
Note:The following steps were tested on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx, kernel 2.6.32-27-generic i686 with 4GiB RAM.
Table of contents: <wiki:toc max_depth="2" />
- Install Eclipse
- Install XText (contains MWE2)
- Install Window Builder Pro plugin
- Install GEF Zest Visualisation Toolkit plugin
- (Optional) Install Subclipse SVN plugin
- Checkout the reprotool SVN repository
- Run REPROTOOL eclipse application
Download and install Eclipse Indigo 3.7 from http://eclipse.org/downloads/, choose Eclipse Modeling Tools (includes Incubating components). (download zip/gz, unpack to dir e.g. "eclipse-reprotool")
In Eclipse Menu: Help -> Install Modeling Components
, search for XText and click install. The MWE2 plugins are needed for code generation separating hand-written code from genrated code.
This approach is inspired by Moritz Eysholdt's presentation at ECLIPSECON'11: http://www.slideshare.net/meysholdt/codegeneration-goodies.
We also use the Xtend language for transformation of models.
This step is optional, Window Builder Pro is used for visual development of GUI parts (dialogs, perspectives,...).
Install the plugin from update site (Help -> Install new software
), enter location http://dl.google.com/eclipse/inst/d2wbpro/latest/3.7 (also described here)
Select SWT Designer Core
, SWT Designer SWT_AWT Support
and WindowBuilder GroupLayout Support
If you plan to develop GUI, select also SWT Designer
(these packages are optional). Other modules shouldn't be needed.
This plugin is required for rendering graphs.
Open Help->Update
select http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/milestones/
update site and search for "zest". install package Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit
version 1.3.0 or newer.
Eclipse after installation of required plugins updates also EMF plugins (tested 12. 11. 2011). Unfortunately this update contains bug (see issue 40). Steps to remove the bug:
- Download maintanance build M201110311121 from EMF downloads section.
- In Eclipse select
Help -> Install New Software ... -> Add... -> Archive...
and in opened dialog select downloaded zip archieve. - Check
EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework Core Runtime
, finish the update and restart Eclipse.
This step is optional, you could easily work with command-line-based SVN client.
To install Subclipse go to
Install Subclipse from update site http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x (Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
and search for "Subclipse".help -> install new software
Subclipse requires native JavaHL library. This can be installed on Ubuntu using: sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
Note: If imported projects are not recognized as connected to SVN, try checkout with older version of the svn client. Problem occured with subclipse 1.6.x version and tortoise svn version 1.7.x. Switch to older 1.6.x tortoise svn client solved the problem.
This step is optional, WireframeSketcher is tool for creation of GUI wireframes (see images in Procasor To Eclipse Gui Mapping).
To install !WireframeSketcher go to Help -> Install new software
and add http://wireframesketcher.com/updates update site.
Import eclipse project with sketches into workspace from documentation/ReproToolSketchProject
. Directory documentation/screens
is intended for batch export of sketches to images.
Note: !WireframeSketcher is paid commercial software freeware, trial version was used to create GUI wireframes. Look at http://wireframesketcher.com/install.html for limitations and legal notices.
Maven with Tycho plugin is used for build of the eclipse plugins on the build server. You don't need this plugin for development but it's useful to ensure that your plugin is correctly set for headless build.
To install Maven plugin go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
and search for "maven integration for eclipse" and install the found plugin.
To build all reprotool plugins right-click on pom.xml
in reprotool.maven.aggregator
and select Run as -> Maven install
Don't be scared that initial build takes long time and downloads many dependencies.
More about Maven + Tycho:
Tycho tutorial: http://www.eclipse.org/tycho/documentation.php
Sources of project Spray (uses extensively EMF, Xtext, Xtend, reprotool Maven configuration is inspired by this project): http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/spray/
The whole SVN structure can be checked out manually from SVN to an external directory outside of the Eclipse workspace. Once checked out, the reprotool sub-projects can be separately imported to your Eclipse workspace using File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
. This approach might seem more complicated but it gives you additional flexibility and can also be easily combined with the Subclipse SVN plugin.
Checkout project sources as described on Checkout page.
Pick a sub-projects to import, i.e. modules/ide
and modules/ReprotoolModel
. Import projects to your workspace as described above: File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
. Navigate to the sub-projects directory (e.g. modules/ide
). Also make sure the Copy projects into workspace checkbox is not checked because we don't want to copy the project's content to the workspace, we want to modify the original files in the checked-out directory.
In reprotool.fm.nusmv
project right click on nusmvtools-dependencies.psf
and select Import Project Set...
. This step will checkout svn projects from external NuSVN repository.
In reprotool.model
project right click on src/reprotool.model/reprotool.model.mwe2
file, select Run As -> MWE2 Workflow
. Model source files will be generated.
Double click on model/reprotool.model.genmodel
and in opened editor right click on Reprotool
root node. Select Generate Edit Code
and Generate Editor Code
Try launching the plugin: Double click on plugin.xml
and push play button in upper right corner. New instance of eclipse should start, inside this started IDE select Window -> Open perspective -> Other -> reprotool
If you encounter OutOfMemoryError, go to Run -> Run Configurations -> Eclipse Application
and select configuration which you used for launch. Select Arguments
tab and add -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
into VM arguments
Product is currently based on plugins (feature based product caused problems). To export the product for multiple platforms:
- Follow instructions from http://ugosan.org/eclipse-rcp-delta-pack/ and install delta pack from http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.7.1-201109091335/index.php#DeltaPack .
- Open
and run export wizard