Running project can be found here:
npm i
npm run start:dev
- to run server. Create "cardamon" database and runnpx sequelize db:migrate
before. -
npx jest
- to run tests. Create "cardamon_test" database before. -
npm test
- to run tests with coverage
Create superuser for your user: sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
Create database "cardamon"
Run: npm install --production
Run: npx sequelize db:migrate
Start: pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env production
You might as well need to do, pm2 save, pm2 startup (DO NOT RUN sudo with this command) if you have not done that yet. pm2 monit seems to be usable command as well.
Deploy data using command: ./icons.js --server
Deploy behind nginx and Let's Encrypt certificate. Follow instructions here:
- - Card-a-mon front-end.
- - Library to generate Card-a-mon PDF and PNG files.
- - Various tools for Card-a-mon.
Create migration using sequelize-cli. E.g.:
npx sequelize migration:create --name admin
Edit created migration.