Neovim plugin to work GitHub PRs quickly.
Main idea of this plugin to have tools that augment GitHub PR review using web instead of replacing it like other plugins do.
nvim 0.10+
If you are using fzf-lua or telescope you might want to checkout how to override UI select. E.g.
vim.cmd('FzfLua register_ui_select')
Diffview.nvim (optional)
Using lazyvim.
NOTE: default config here. You can skip all the settings if you are OK with defaults.
config = function()
debug = false, -- if set to true debugging information is written to ~/.ghlite.log file
view_split = 'vsplit', -- set to empty string '' to open in active buffer, use 'tabnew' to open in tab
diff_split = 'vsplit', -- set to empty string '' to open in active buffer, use 'tabnew' to open in tab
comment_split = 'split', -- set to empty string '' to open in active buffer, use 'tabnew' to open in tab
open_command = 'open', -- open command to use, e.g. on Linux you might want to use xdg-open
merge = {
approved = '--squash',
nonapproved = '--auto --squash',
html_comments_command = { 'lynx', '-stdin', '-dump' }, -- command to render HTML comments in PR view
-- override default keymaps with the ones you prefer
-- set keymap to false or '' to disable it
keymaps = {
diff = {
open_file = 'gf',
open_file_tab = '',
open_file_split = 'o',
open_file_vsplit = 'O',
approve = 'cA',
request_changes = 'cR',
comment = {
send_comment = 'c<CR>' -- this one cannot be disabled
pr = {
approve = 'cA',
request_changes = 'cR',
merge = 'cM',
comment = 'ca',
diff = 'cp',
keys = {
{ '<leader>us', ':GHLitePRSelect<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Select' },
{ '<leader>uo', ':GHLitePRCheckout<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Checkout' },
{ '<leader>uv', ':GHLitePRView<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR View' },
{ '<leader>uu', ':GHLitePRLoadComments<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Load Comments' },
{ '<leader>up', ':GHLitePRDiff<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Diff' },
{ '<leader>ul', ':GHLitePRDiffview<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Diffview' },
{ '<leader>ua', ':GHLitePRAddComment<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Add comment' },
{ '<leader>ua', ':GHLitePRAddComment<cr>', mode = 'x', silent = true, desc = 'PR Add comment' },
{ '<leader>uc', ':GHLitePRUpdateComment<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Update comment' },
{ '<leader>ud', ':GHLitePRDeleteComment<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Delete comment' },
{ '<leader>ug', ':GHLitePROpenComment<cr>', silent = true, desc = 'PR Open comment' },
If you want to make quick PR review without checking out PR code to your repo you can do it this way:
and select PR you want to review. PR view will open. You can open:GHLitePRView
anytime later to refresh/reopen PR view. -
to see diff of PR so you could review it in single window. Comments that can be displayed in diff view are loaded as well as diagnostics. Navigate comments usingvim.diagnostic.jump
functions (latter is for older neovim versions) or keys you have mapped to those functions. -
to comment in existing conversations or start the new one directly in diff view. Alternatively you can use:GHLitePROpenComment
to open comments in browser. -
to approve PR if everything is OK. you can useca
in diff and pr views. -
to request changes on PR if something is wrong. you can usecr
in diff and pr views.
However it might be that you want to make thorough PR review by looking not only at diff, but at surrounding code as well.
and select PR you want to review. PR view will open. You can open:GHLitePRView
anytime later to refresh/reopen PR view. You can skip this step if you have locally branch checked out that is related to PR. In that case plugin will resolve PR number from git branch. -
to see diff of PR so you could review it in single window. Usegf
in this buffer to go to specific file and line if you want to see more context. If you have run:GHLitePRSelect
initially and PR branch is not checked out plugin will ask if you want to checkout branch. Comments as diagnostics will be show in opened files as well. -
to review all comments in the code if diff view is not enough. List of comments is loaded to quickfix and shown in file as diagnostic messages. -
to comment in existing conversations or start the new one. Alternatively you can use:GHLitePROpenComment
to open comments in browser. -
to approve PR if everything is OK. you can useca
in diff and pr views. -
to request changes on PR if something is wrong. you can usecr
in diff and pr views.
This command shows selection of active PRs and selects PR for other operations. You can use this command if you want to review PR without checking it out.
This command shows selection of active PRs and checkouts selected PR.
This command shows PR information (wrapper for gh pr view
Supported key bindings:
to approve PR -
to merge PR (seeGHLitePRMerge
for details) -
to write top level PR comment -
to open diff view
Note: You can use default vim shortcuts as well, like gx
to open links in
this view.
HTML comments is the thing too and they look bad in text. To render HTML as
text html_comments_command
settings can be used to specify command. You can
use any command here that accepts html via stdin and outputs text to stdout. By
default lynx
is used, but if something works better for you feel free to use
Plugin searches for html tag and only then passes comment through
. You can disable this functionality by setting
as false
This command approves selected PR.
This command request changes on PR.
This command merges selected PR. Approved and non-approved PRs use different
options when running gh pr merge
command. Check gh pr merge -h
available options and use them in config's merge
section if defaults are not
working for you.
This command allows to comment on PR at top level (vs commenting on the code).
This command loads PR comments. Only non-outdated review comments are loaded,
PR comments are not loaded. Comments are loaded to quickfix list and to buffer
diagnostics on buffer load. Navigate quickfix list using cnext
and cprev
(assumption here that you are using quickfix list in general).
NOTE: You must checkout git branch related to PR either using
or using other tools.
This command loads PR diff that you can review. This command shows diff of selected PR. If no PR is selected then PR number is resolved from git branch associated with PR. Comments are loaded and shown as diagnostics in this view as well.
Supported key bindings:
go to file from PR
command will not work if you use:GHLitePRSelect
command and branch is not checked out or you have different branch checked out. -
to approve PR
This command shows PR diff using Diffview.nvim.
This command will not show correct diff sometimes if you have gh older than 2.63.0 (details here cli/cli#9938).
This command opens buffer where you can write your comment.
If you want to create multi-line comment then select multiple lines using visual mode.
Supported key bindings:
If there is already loaded comment on cursor line (using
command) then comment is added as reply to thread. -
If there is no comment on line then new conversation is started.
This command updates selected comment.
This command deletes selected comment.
Opens comment under cursor in browser using open_command
command (default