MYUtils is a simple Swift library, that extends Cocoa frameworks.
- UI
- Classes
- Storyboard Segues
- Extensions
- CoreGraphics
- Image
- View
- ViewController
- Classes
- Foundation
- Classes
- Cache
- Result
- Extensions
- Array
- Dictionary
- Double
- Float
- Int
- NotificationCenter
- NSNumber
- OperationQueue
- String
- Timer
- UserDefaults
- Classes
use_frameworks! pod 'MYUtils'
github "damonthecricket/my-utils"
$ git submodule add
Copy MYUtils to the root of your project.
Add it in file inspector of your project.
Go to Targets -> Add MYUtils to Embedded Binaries.
iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
Xcode 8.3
Swift 3.
is intended to dismiss ViewController using Storyboard, not programmatically. All we need is control-click an appropriate element in the first ViewController and drag to the target ViewController (or to itself)
that was presented viafunc present(UIViewController, animated: Bool, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
Then make storyboard segue kind custom and assignDismissStoryboardSegue
to its class in appropriate text field.Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
is intended to add ViewController as a child ViewController using Storyboard. All we need is control-click an appropriate element in the first ViewController and drag to the target ViewController. Then make storyboard segue kind custom and assignShowStoryboardSegue
to its class in appropriate text field.Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
is intended to remove ViewController from its parent ViewController using Storyboard. All we need is control-click an appropriate element in the first ViewController and drag to the target ViewController. Then
make storyboard segue kind custom and assignHideStoryboardSegue
to its class in appropriate text field.Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
is intended to pop ViewController from its UINavigationController stack using Storyboard. All we need is control-click an appropriate element in the source ViewController and drag to itsel. Then make storyboard segue kind custom and assignPopStoryboardSegue
to its class in appropriate text field.Available in iOS 8.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides easy way to perform arithmetic operations on the CGRect, CGPoint, CGSize
let firstRect = CGRect(x: 10.0, y: 0.0, width: 100.0, height: 100.0)
let secondRect = CGRect(x: 10.0, y: 100.0, width: 200.0, height: 10.0)
let sumResultRect = firstRect + secondRect
let minusResultRect = firstRect - secondRect
let multiplicationResultRect = firstRect * secondRect
let divisionResultRect = firstRect / secodeRect
// sumResultRect will be equal to x: 20.0 y: 100.0 width: 300.0 height: 110.0 rect.
// minusResultRect will be equal to x: 0.0 y: -100.0 width: -100.0 height: 90.0 rect.
// multiplicationResultRect will be equal to x: 100.0 y: 0.0 width: 20 000.0 height: 1 000.0 rect.
// divisionResultRect will be equal to x: 1.0 y: 0.0 width: 0.5 height: 10.0 rect.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
extensions includes opportunities to generate random numbers.
let randomNumberInRange = CGFloat.random(min: 0.0, max: 10.0)
let random = CGFloat.random
let randomSign = CGFloat.randomSign
// randomNumberInRange will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 10.0 inclusive.
// random will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
// randomSign will be equal to number 1.0 or -1.0.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
extensions provides next opportunites:
Identify image orientation:
let image = <image initialization...> switch image.orientation { case .portret: // When image has portret orientation. case .album: // When image has album orientation. case .square: // When image has square form. } // Or use follow. if image.isPortret { // When image has portret orientation. } else if image.isAlbum { // When image has album orientation. } else if image.isSquare { // When image has square form. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
Load image from rest resource:
let url = <URL initialization...> UIImage.from(URL: url) {image in // In case of success this method loads / returns cached and provides in closure an image. // Oterwise, an image equals to `nil`. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
Draw image:
let size = <CGSize initialization...> let image = MYImageDraw(size: size) {ctx in ctx.setFillColor(color.cgColor) }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
Image cache:
is used byMYImage.imageFrom(URL url: URL, completion: MYImageDownloadCompletion? = nil)
andMYImageView.imageFrom(URL url: URL, completion: MYImageDownloadCompletion? = nil)
methods to cache downloaded images. Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
extensions provides next opportunities:
let url = <URL initialization...>
let imageView = <Image initialization...>
imageView.imageFrom(URL: url) {image
// In case of success this method loads or returns cached, sets to reciever and provides in closure an image.
// Oterwise, image equals to nil.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
extensions provides next opportunity:
- Adjusting of number of columns:
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.11+ | tvOS 9.0+.
let collectionView = <CollectionView initialization...> collectionView.numberOfCellsPerRow = 3 // CollectionView will layout three collection view cells in each row.
extensions provodes next opportunites:
Identify current scroll content position:
let scrollView = <ScrollView initialization...> switch scrollView.position { case .top: // When scroll content position on top. case .right: // When scroll content position on right. case .bottom: // When scroll content position on bottom. case .left: // When scroll content position on left. case .center: // When scroll content position on center. } // Or you can use next methods. if scrollView.onTop { // When scroll content position on center. } else if scrollView.onRight { // When scroll content position on right. } else if scrollView.onBottom { // When scroll content position on bottom. } else if scrollView.onLeft { // When scroll content position on left. } else if scrollView.onCenter { // When scroll content position on center. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+ | watchOS 2.0+.
Get content offset for macOS 10.11+:
let scrollView = <ScrollView initialization...> let contentOffset = scrollView.contentOffset
Available in macOS 10.11+.
Identify current scroll direction:
let scrollView = <ScrollView initialization...> switch scrollView.direction { case .vertical: // When scroll direction is vertical. case .horizontal: // When scroll direction is horizontal. } // Or you can use next methods. if scrollView.isVertical { // When scroll direction is vertical. } else if scrollView.isHorizontal { // When scroll direction is horizontal. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Get actual scroll view content size:
let scrollView = <ScrollView initialization...> let contentSize = scrollView.contentSize
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunities:
- Easy way to initialize
:Available in iOS 8.0+.let string = <String initialization...> let url = <URL initialization...> let activityViewController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [string, url], applicationActivities: nil) { activityType, completed, returnedItems, activityError in // Completion code. }
extensions provides next opportunities:
Easy way to present
:let title = <String initialization...> let message = <String initialization...> let actions = <UIAlertAction array initialization...> let style = <UIAlertControllerStyle initialization...> let vc = <UIViewController initialization...> UIAlertShow(title, message, actions, style, vc) // vc presents UIAlertController with specified attributes.
Available in iOS 8.0+.
Easy way to make
:let action = UIAlertActionMake(title: "Ok", .default) {action in // Completion code. } let cancelAction = UIAlertActionMakeCancel(title: "Cancel", .cancel) {action in // Completion code. } let defaultAction = UIAlertActionMake(title: "Done") {action in // Completion code. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunities: [#ui_view_cotroller_extensions]
- Get root view controller:
Available in iOS 8.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
let navigatioController = <UINavigationController initialization...> let rootViewController = navigationController.rootViewController
extensions provides next opportunities:
Get current child view controller:
let viewController = <ViewController initialization...> let currentChildViewController = viewController.currentViewController
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Get previous child view controller:
let viewController = <ViewController initialization...> let currentChildViewController = viewController.previousViewController
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Add view controller:
let parentViewController = <ViewController initialization...> let childViewController = <ViewController initialization...> parentViewController.addChild(viewController: childViewController) { childViewController.view.frame = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 10.0, width: 100.0, height: 200.0) }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Remove all child view controllers:
let parentViewCotroller = <ViewController initialization...> let parentViewCotroller.removeChildViewControllers()
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Remove child view controller:
let parentViewController = <ViewController initialization...> let childViewController = <ViewController initialization...> parentViewController.removeChild(viewController: childViewController) { } // Or. childViewController.removeFromSuperViewController()
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | tvOS 9.0+.
is convenience wrapper of stanard FoundationNSCache
corresponds easy way to access to cached value through subscript:let cache = <Cache intialization ...> let value = cache["key"]
Or we can cache the value using same subscript:
let cache = <Cache intialization ...> let anyObjectValue = <Any object value intialization ...> cache["key"] = anyObjectValue as! AnyObject
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
is the two value enum, intended to emulate two posible values to any operation -success
case:let result = .success(<success value>) switch result { case .success(let <success value>): // Code to handle success case. case .failure(_): }
Or failure
:let result = .failure(<error value>) switch result { case .success(_): case .failure(let error): // Code to handle failure case. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunites:
Easy way to concatenate two arrays using
operations:let firstArray = <Array initialization ...> let secondArray = <Array initialization ...> let thirdArray = firstArray + secondArray var fourthArray = <Array initialization ...> fourthArray += thirdArray
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Make an array containing the results of mapping the given closure over the sequence’s elements:
let firstArray = [1, 2, 3] let secondArray = firstArray.make {idx, firstArrayElement in return firstArrayElement*2 } // secondArray == [2, 4, 6]
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Iterate through all elements in an array:
let array = [1, 2, 3] array.enumerate {idx, element in // idx is index of element in an array // element of an array }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Remove specified element:
var array = [1, 2, 3] array.remove(element: 2) // array == [1, 3]
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunites:
Compare two dictionaries:
let firstDictionary = ["key": "value"] let secondDictionary = ["key": "value"] if firstDictionary == secondDictionary { // True }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Easy way to concatenate two dictionaries using
operations:let firstDictionary = ["key1": "value1"] let secondDictionary = ["key2": "value2"] let thirdDictionary = firstDictionary + secondDictionary // thirdDictionary == ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"] var fourthDictionary = ["key3": "value3"] fourthDictionary += thirdDictionary // fourthDictionary == ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"]
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Make a dictionary containing the results of mapping the given closure over the sequence’s elements:
let firstDictionary = ["key1": "value1"] let resultDictionary = firstDictionary.make {key, value in retrun ["result_key": value] } // resultDictionary == ["result_key": "value1"]
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Iterate through all elements in a dictionary:
let dictionary = ["key1": "value1"] dictionary.enumerate {key, value in // key == "key1" // value == "value1" }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Get all keys and values of a dictionary:
let dictionary = ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"] let keys = dictionary.keys let values = dictionary.values // keys == ["key1", "key2"] // values == ["value1", "value2"]
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides opportunity to generate random double numbers:
let randomNumberInRange = Double.random(min: 0.0, max: 10.0)
let random = Double.random
let randomSign = Double.randomSign
// randomNumberInRange will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 10.0 inclusive.
// random will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
// randomSign will be equal to number 1.0 or -1.0.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides opportunity to generate random float numbers:
let randomNumberInRange = Float.random(min: 0.0, max: 10.0)
let random = Float.random
let randomSign = Float.randomSign
// randomNumberInRange will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 10.0 inclusive.
// random will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
// randomSign will be equal to number 1.0 or -1.0.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides opportunity to generate random int numbers:
let randomNumberInRange = Float.random(min: 0.0, max: 10.0)
let random = Float.random
let randomSign = Float.randomSign
// randomNumberInRange will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 10.0 inclusive.
// random will be equal to number in range between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive.
// randomSign will be equal to number 1.0 or -1.0.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides opportunity to add an entry to the receiver’s dispatch table with a block
to add to the current queue:
let token = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NotificationName) {notification -> Void in
// Performs on the current queue. When specified notification performs.
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides opportunity to check, whether stored value is bool or not:
let number = NSNumber(value: true)
if number.isBool {
// true
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunities:
Convenience way to perform code synchronously / asynchronous on the main queue:
PerformOnMainThreadSync { // Code to perform synchronously on the main queue. } PerformOnMainThreadAsync { // Code to perform asynchronous on the main queue. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Convenience way to perform code synchronously / asynchronous on the background queue:
PerformOnBackgroundThreadSync { // Code to perform synchronously on the background queue. } PerformOnBackgroundThreadAsync { // Code to perform asynchronous on the background queue. }
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunities:
Convenience way to convert string object to
:let intString = "-10" let intValue =! // intValue == -10 let uintString = "123" let uintValue = uintString.uint // uintValue == 123 let string = "qwerty" let nsstring = string.ns_string // nsstring.isEqual(to: "qwerty")
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Generate random string:
let randomStringWithStandardAlphabet = String.random(wihtLength: 7) // randomStringWithStandardAlphabet.characters.count == 7 // randomStringWithStandardAlphabet contains characters only from // "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" string let randomStringWithSpecifiedAlphabet = String.random(wihtLength: 10, fromLetters: "123456789") // randomStringWithSpecifiedAlphabet.characters.count == 10 // randomStringWithSpecifiedAlphabet contains characters only from "123456789"
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Convenience way to get string length:
let string = "qwerty" let length = string.length // length == 6
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Convenience way to get url encode / decode string:
let string = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, " let urlEncodedString = string.URLEncodedString // urlEncodedString == "Lorem%20ipsum%20dolor%20sit%20amet,%20" let urlDecodedString = urlEncodedString.URLDecodedString // urlDecodedString == "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, "
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
extensions provides next opportunities:
- Convenience way to schedule timer:
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
_ = Timer.schedule(delay: 5.0) {timer in // Performs only once after 5.0 seconds delay } _ = Timer.schedule(repeatInterval: 2.0) {timer in // Performs every 2.0 seconds. }
provides next opportunities:
Store NSCoding objects:
let object = <NSCoding object initialization ...> UserDefaults.standard.set(object, forKey: "key")
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.
Sets / returns the value using subscript:
let value = "value" UserDefaults.standard["key"] = value let storedValue = UserDefaults.standard["key"] // value == storedValue
Available in iOS 8.0+ | macOS 10.10+ | watchOS 2.0+ | tvOS 9.0+.