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DarkWallet Pre-Alpha Unstable Release

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@narodnik narodnik released this 02 Oct 11:49
· 543 commits to master since this release

Full of bugs. But also full of homemade goodness.

This works over Tor which is slow and unreliable. Will be fixed in the next release.

We handrolled our own UI in pure OpenGL. Say no to electronslop webshit. UI design has become braindead stuck in a deadend. We dream of the future in scifi where movies show off futuristic interfaces.

We want the future!

For now it's very basic. You're in a single room and can chat. That's it.
This is the birth of the darkwallet platform.


True cross platform engineering.


  • Windows: C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\.local\darkfi\darkwallet.log
  • Linux: ~/.local/.darkfi/darkwallet.log
  • Android: /sdcard/Download/darkwallet.log

Known Bugs

  • Sent messages appear in the wrong order. Solution: update your computer's clock.
  • Key repeating. Solution: press the same key again.

There are others but this is more of a preview right now.