The goal of this project is to encourage research laboratories to implement their Codes of Conduct and share them with lab members by providing templates and resources to help others advocate and disseminate Lab Codes of Conduct in research laboratories.
Common sense is enough until it isn't. Common sense might mean different things to different individuals coming from different cultural and upbringing backgrounds. We believe codes of conduct are not only good for establishing productive collaborations between lab members and helping build trust between mentor and mentees, but are also necessary in their attempt to clarify any confusion about what behavior is tolerated and what is not.
We are committed to working together to create templates that can be easily adapted by principal investigators, research lab managers, and program directors to best fit their needs and institutions. However, we need your help to make these templates as thorough as possible. Furthermore, we would like to collect inforamation, even anectodal, about times you were in a situation in which a code of conduct would have helped you better manage the problem.
We are seeking contributors to lead the project or to committ to supporting a project lead.
Please sign up to lead or to support.
If you would like to just add comment on specific parts, or point us to existing materials, similar projects, etc., please make an issue. For more instructions on how to contribute, refer to
Thank you!
This project will be updated with input from attendees of MozFest session Daniela will be laeding on Oct 28th at 3:15 PM.
Here is the abstact for the session designed by Daniela Saderi and Robin Champieux, but led at MozFest by Daniela and Julia Lawndes: "Common sense is enough until it isn't. A Code of Conduct outlines expectations for community members, and sometimes that community is an academic lab. CoCs are not only good for establishing productive collaborations between lab members and helping build trust between mentor and mentees. A good one will welcome new members, inspire the team, and make clear the kinds of behavior that won't be tolerated. Ultimately, a good CoC is a tool for fostering a safe, transparent, inclusive, and successful lab. Here, we will discuss why CoCs should be mandatory in academic laboratories and ask participants to contribute to the design of open CoC templates that can be adopted and adapted by research laboratories. We will follow a design thinking approach and invite the group to share experiences around and contribute to different aspects of a Lab CoC. The output of this session will be shared on our GitHub repository."
Here are the slides we used for the session at MozFest. We used a design thinking approach heavily inspired by the work of Lorraine Chuen and Joe McArthur during OpenCon 2017 do-a-thon in Berlin (full deck here).
Please email Daniela at for more info and questions.
This repository was originally started by Glynis Mattheisen, Ph.D., and Daniela Saderi, Ph.D.