Cachier is a Go library that provides an interface for dealing with cache. There is a CacheEngine interface which requires you to implement common cache methods (like Get, Set, Delete, etc). When implemented, you wrap this CacheEngine into the Cache struct. This struct has some methods implemented like GetOrCompute method (shortcut for fetching a hit or computing/writing a miss).
There are also three implementations included:
LRUCache: a wrapper of hashicorp/golang-lru which fulfills the CacheEngine interface
RedisCache: CacheEngine based on redis
CacheWithSubcache: Implementation of combination of primary cache with fast L1 subcache. E.g. primary Redis cache and fast (and small) LRU subcache. But any other implementations of CacheEngine can be used.
Compression can be used with Redis Cache. There are three compression providers implemented:
Every provider has an unique identifier (ID). Provider id must be <= 255. It must be written in one byte
- 0 - special provider for small input data (<= 1KB)Zstd
- 1S2
- 2Lz4
- 3
Input data which are smaller or equal 1KB are never compressed by default
The definition of functions NewRedisCache
and NewRedisCacheWithLogger
is extend and the last function argument is the pointer to compression.Engine
If the *compression.Engine
== nil
data are not compressed.
The compression engine uses compresison providers to compress and decompress data. Data are always compressed with the default provider but can be decompressed by multiple providers. Based on the footer added to compressed data the engine selects the right provider to decompress data
In order to start using compression add *compression.Engine
to the redis cache constructor
engine, err := compression.NewEngine(providerID,compressionParameters)
Where compression.NewEngine(providerID byte, compressionParameters map[string]interface{})
creates *compression.Engine
- default compression engine is selected based on providerID
- supported compression providers: zstd, lz4, s2
- input <= 1 KB is not compressed
- compressionParameters map contains compression parameters which are used to configure the engine and providers. Two parameters are currently supported:
- level: compression level used by zstd compression
- minInputLen: minimum length of data which are compresed, input <= minInputLen is not compressed
Provider id can be:
- 0 - no compression, the function returns nil, nil
- 1 - zstd compression
- 2 - s2 compression
- 3 - lz4 compression
If the engine is created in the following way compression.NewEngine(1,nil)
the data are compressed with Zstd method.
Other compression providers can be easily added to the Engine
- adds new default compression provider to the engine; since now data are compressed using the s2 provider. The old inputs (alredy compressed with zstd) can be decompressed becasue the engine contains two providers: zstd, s2 -
- adds new compression provider to the engine; the default provider is not changed
The defult size of not compressed input can be easily changed:
compression.NewEngine(providerID, nil).SetMinInputSize(2048)
-since now input <= 2 KB is not compressedcompression.NewEngine(providerID byte, map[string]interface {} {"minInputLen": 2048}
If the provider is already added to the Engine
the default provider can be selected by the provider id
How does the Engine
know which provider should be used to decompress data?
There is added a footer to the compressed data. The footer size is:
- 1 byte for
- compressed_data + provider_id(1 byte)
- 9 bytes for other compression providers
- compressed_data + size_of_not_compressed_data(8 bytes) + provider_id(1 byte)
Compression provider has to implement an interface compression.Provider
by implementing its methods
Compress(src []byte) ([]byte, error)
Decompress(src []byte, dstSize int) ([]byte, error)
GetID() byte
Configure(params CompressionParams) error
Provider cannot manage the footer. The footer is manged by the Engine
. The Engine
- adds footer to compressed data,
- extracts the compressed data and footer from the input; the providers is suplied with the input without the footer.
Providers can be configured using compressionParameters
. For example:
NewEngine(ProviderIDZstd, map[string]interface{}{
CompressionParamLevel: 5,