A small Php package to fetch archive url snapshots from archive.org.
using it you can fetch complete list of snapshot urls of any year or
complete list of all years possible.
This package can be used to do recon of any target.
Install the package through composer:
composer require dawood/wmb-scrapper
Make sure, that you include the composer autoloader somewhere in your codebase.
There are several examples provided in examples folder too.
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use dawood\WBMScrapper\WBMScrapper;
$url = 'https://github.com/';
$firstSnapShotYear = WBMScrapper::firstSnapshotYear($url);
$lastSnapShotYear = WBMScrapper::lastSnapshotYear($url);
echo $lastSnapShotYear .PHP_EOL;
echo $firstSnapShotYear.PHP_EOL;
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use dawood\WBMScrapper\WBMScrapper;
$url = 'https://github.com/';
$snapshotsOf2012 = WBMScrapper::getSnapShotUrlsOfYear($url, 2012);
print_r(snapshotsOf2012 );
//outputs list of urls of waybackmachin snapshots
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use dawood\WBMScrapper\WBMScrapper;
$url = 'https://github.com/';
$allSnapshots = WBMScrapper::getAllSnapShotUrls($url);
//outputs a complete list of urls of waybackmachin snapshots
The WMB Scrapper is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Thanks to all of the contributors ,
Dawood Ikhlaq and Open source community