Copyright (c) 2007 David Betz
See for fuller details.
(rather old project, so the syntax may look weird)
Here's a simple passage query returning HTML data:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.PassageQuery("Galatians 3:11");
With the flip of a switch you can turn it into plain text:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(OutputFormat.PlainText);
String output = service.PassageQuery("Galatians 3:11");
For more flexibility, you may use the provided parameter objects. Using these in C# 3.0 is seamless thanks to object initializers:
var pqp = new PassageQueryParameter( ) { Passage = "John 14:6" };
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(new PlainTextSetting( )
LineLength = 100,
Timeout = 30
String output = service.PassageQuery(pqp);
Here is a simple sample of accessing the verse of the day (in HTML without the audio link -- optional Setting):
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(new HtmlOutputSetting( )
IncludeAudioLink = false
String output = service.DailyVerse( );
You can also access various reading plans via the provided .NET enumeration:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.ReadingPlanQuery(new ReadingPlanQueryParameter( )
ReadingPlan = ReadingPlan.EveryDayInTheWord
Searching is also streamlined:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.Query("Justified");
Here is a length example showing how you can use the QueryInfoAsObject method to get information about a query as a strongly-type object:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
QueryInfoData result = service.QueryInfoAsObject("Samuel");
if (result.QueryType == QueryType.Passage) {
Console.WriteLine("Passage: " + result.Readable);
Console.WriteLine("Complete Chapter?: " + result.IsCompleteChapter);
if (result.AlternateQueryType != QueryType.None) {
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Alternate: {0}, {1}", result.AlternateQueryType, result.AlternateResultCount));
if (result.HasWarnings) {
foreach (Warning w in result.Warnings) {
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", w.Code, w.Readable));
For more advanced users, the Crossway XML format is also available:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2(new CrosswayXmlVersion10Setting( )
IncludeWordIds = true,
IncludeXmlDeclaration = true
String output = service.PassageQuery(new PassageQueryParameter( )
Passage = "Galatians 3"
That same XML data is also retrievable as an XmlDocument for pure XML interaction:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
XmlDocument output = service.PassageQueryAsXmlDocument("Galatians 3");
For more flexible XML interaction, you may use XPath:
var service = new EsvBibleServiceV2( );
String output = service.PassageQueryValueViaXPath(new PassageQueryParameter( )
Passage = "Gal 3:4-5",
XPath = "//crossway-bible/passage/surrounding-chapters/current"
Sometimes, however, you will want more than one result from XPath:
String[] output = service.PassageQueryValueViaXPathMulti(new PassageQueryParameter( )
Passage = "Gal 3:4-5",
XPathSet = new[]